Thursday 9 September 2010

Every picture tells a story.

Do you want to know the story behind this picture?

Well, a month before this picture was taken, I had gorgeous long hair. But then I sat next to the "bugsy" girl at school and caught nits! My mum kept me off school for 2 weeks!!! (but lied to the neighbours and school because of the shame - she told them I was "billious") until they had all gone. Then she dragged me off to "Betty & Franks" a very 60's local hairdressers (Betty & Frank reminded me of Fanny & Johnny Craddock!) and I had to have my beautiful long hair cut. When I got home, and saw it in the mirror, I cried because I looked like a boy. And so Mum decided to perm it - herself. For some reason, one of the curlers in my fringe "didn't take" - hence the one straight bit. And then the school photographer caught it for posterity.


harmony and rosie said...

Oops! You do look very cute though, although I'm sure that's the last thing you felt at the time. Your Yorkshire nits must have been a mighty strong strain to need 2 weeks off school!!!!

periwinkle said...

my mam had all my hair cut too - I cried buckets ...

noelle said...

ahhhh call social services!!!!!!

Northern Snippet said...

You do look cute.I had one of those pinafores too!
Thanks for the comment you left on my blog, the mushroom find was pure beginners luck!

Colette said...

I have a school photo, almost the same. Although I had straight hair then, but I think the photo made my my decide to perm (tight curls) my hair!!!

Mum's job was (and still is) a hairdresser!!!

I looked terrible after the perm!!

What did our Mum's do to us?????

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

When I was a kid we thought lice could jump 20 feet from head to head in a classroom! Very athletic, don't you think? You picture is adorable...and it has done what a picture should do! It reminded you of a time gone before, and (in spite of the circumstances of the time) brought a smile to lots of people. Nice post! Very sweet...what mammas will do for the kids!

Kathy said...

I love this post ... you made me smile and remember a dreadful haircut I had when I was about ten. I looked like a boy too!!! It must have been the fashion then!

Do you know, we still have awful problems with nits in school today. Wouldn't you think that by the 21st century something could be done!

Love Kathy xxx

menopausalmusing said...

Another ten year old here who suffered a disasterous haircut at the hands of her mother...... no photographic evidence though (phew!)

The Girl said...

Part of me feels guilty for laughing and part of me really doesn't care. Brilliant!!

A garden just outside Venice said...

(10th September)




A great story and lovely character photo. I could tell it was you with that twinkle in your eye xo

Scented Sweetpeas said...

oh my word, what is it with Mums and hair! Mine cut by short (even shorter than yours) at the age of 10 because she was scared my curls were going - I hate going to the hairdressers now :-) Don't worry I haven't let her live it down lol

...Nina Nixon... said...

Oh my - mums do get the strangest ideas. I think you still look lovely though.

Nina xxx

BadPenny said...

Oh poor you ! Remember the Nit nurse ? we had all dyed our hair with food colour & she refused to comb through it.
My long long hair was cut ready to go up to big school - it was my primary school teacher who was upset " Penny... your hair ! "
Billious is a great word.xx

BadPenny said...

PS ! Happy Birthday !
also just remembered that my mum trimmed my long hair once .... while it was in plaits !!! The results were very crooked !

Lyn said...

Oh dear!!!!
giggle, giggle!
sorry I can't stop giggling!
What a lovely story, I am sure your therapist will love it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Di

Can't stop laughing/crying!!!! Dan is sat next to me embarrassed!!!! said I am laughing like I do when I go in the card shop!!! Tears are rolling............Happy Birthday!!

Nicola B xxx

Lisa said...

Lovely! I think we need to a photo of you pre-cut now!
Happy Birthday, hope you have fun this weekend.
Lisa x

noelle said...

Hope you have a fabulous Birthday weekend!!!!! Best wishes x x x x

lovethosecupcakes said...

Your post reminded me that when I was in primary school I was desperate to have nits. Didn't know what they were, just wanted a lovely big envelope to take home to my parents from Nitty Norah, the school nurse. (It never happened, by the way).

Ray+Joan said...

love the story, brings back menories, I had a friend with ginger hair,so mine turned out ginger which made it easy for my mum to catch them with the nit comb, then she use to kill then with her finger nail, urhhhhh I can hear it now.

The Curious Cat said...

oh my! What a story behind this one! Love it! Little natural disasters! You still look cute though! xxx

debbie bailey said...

My mom always curled my hair the night before school pictures, therefore, I always looked weird and not like myself. I don't know why she did that except to try and make me look pretty.

I found your blog through Circle of a Year and have enjoyed it. I'll be back!