This summer I am expecting a flying visit from relatives that live on the continent (as well as ones that live in the USA). Now my uncle (yes, you know who you are) always makes a big fuss about the coffee cups. Apparantly mine are too big (but the coffee is so good, you need more than an eyeful!). I don't like espresso cups, so I have been on the look out for the perfect coffee cup - and I found a set of them in my local charity shop. They are "Midwinter, Sienna" I think from 1962. 4 coffee cups and saucers and 4 side plates - all for £2.20

I'm keeping my eye open for a matching coffee pot.
They look so familiar to me that I think we may have had them at home when I was growing up. Love them, they are perfect. And what a fabulous bargain.
Love your coffee set!
I am not sure if I will be using the tea set, I am organising a tea party in my village for work to raise cash from Mencap. So maybe it will get an outing then.
Great bargain, I really like the design.
Ooh love them!
Are you off to our fav place soon?
Oh they're so retro! I've definitely seen them somewhere in my past! Great bargain!
Bargain! Very nice. I remember them first time round! Abby x
I shall keep my eyes peeled for you!!
I will keep a look out too ! x
The perfect cup size is important for my morning coffee! I have one I "borrowed permanently" from my sister's home back in the '80's. She mentions it every time she opens my cupboards.!
It's holds just the right amount and the "lip" is thinner than a regular mug. Your new purchase looks just about right!
Love your midwinter , I found a jug last week and I adore it . So nice to get a set and the design is lovely.
Jacquie x
Bargain indeed, they looklike they are in mint condition too. Keep my eyes peeled in the charity shops down here too.
Lisa x
You are a good bargain hunter. I never seem to find anything I need in an op shop. Maybe I'm not very observant
Diane - those are probably getting valuable - Midwinter styles have been appearing in various "antique" articles.
Don't let your Uncle wash them up!
Of course, I'm so retro I remember them first time around!!!
Know what you mean - I use my Midwinter 'Invitation' cups cos they're the same shape (like a mini mug) and hold just the right amount of coffee. Great find - great design!
Hope you can find a good china tea set for your other Aunt & Uncle for when we come to tea this summer.
I remember that design! What a bargain - hope you can find a matching coffee pot:)
Oh my goodness!! Swooning with envy - what a gorgeous design!! Lucky you to find them!!
Love Julia x
I know which Uncle you are talking about and I love him sooo much! xx
Hi Diane at the workshop today I drew around a saucer to make a chick and my little sister said 'oh look Heart Shaped Diane has that set doesn't she - I read her blog too'. She also said someone who doesnt know you thinks you are a tad crazy - she's right. lol.
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