For the first time in nineteen years, hubby and I are finding ourselves with a modicum of freedom as our babies increasingly organise their own social lives (having said that, we did get a phone call an hour into our evening to see where we were!!! One of them had popped home for tea before dashing out again. We told her to drive up to the pub to join us, but she declined.). So with hubby not finishing work until 6pm, and me not having his tea on the table when he walked in (due to me sorting out my new sewing room!!! great excitement!!!), I suggested an evening stroll across the fields, to the pub. No complaints from hubby. So off we set.

We are lucky that we can walk out of our road, turn the corner, and be on a path across the fields. It was a gorgeous evening, brilliant light, lovely and warm, very still.

I wanted to record it so that when I look back over my year, I can remember what a lovely evening we had.

We talked about our work day, the kids, our ideas and thoughts. We both talked and listened - without any interruptions - a luxury. Hubby says that since I stop and take photos every 10 steps, he too now sees the beauty in where we live.

At the top of the field is the village of
Wentworth has a lovely clump of houses called Paradise Square.

Our destination was the
Rockingham Arms - which was heaving!! A rarity in this day and age in Britain - so many pubs in our area have been pulled down because they are unused.

Tonight at the
Rockingham Arms, they appear to have a mass Crown Green Bowling Event and Morris Dancers. Its a lovely pub with an Orchard to sit out in, and a barn where they have a folk club, bands etc The food too was really nice - always a treat when someone else cooks me a meal, but often a disappointment when we eat out as home cooking is often better - but not on this occasion, and very affordable too ( or is it that we are used to paying for 4?).

It was getting late, and fortunately, it is almost all down hill going home. We did once roll back down this hill when we first moved here - before we had kids and we were young!!!

We always make the most of a half decent sunset.

If hubby told me once, he told me a hundred times that he had a great evening. We plan to do it again - very soon.
I also like to take a walk evenings, i find it a great time to talk, with no TV, or dinner to be made or cleaned up it's a nice time to be together, loved your photos.
What a delight to read your post tonight..I was just heaven to follow you on your on evening out!! We are 19 years this week ourselves!! So lucky to have nice fellas!!! Thanks so for your comments on my site ! it has finally cooled down in France!! and it is beautiful!!! tour de france was today and it was really something to see!! Happy day to you!!
Lovely, long, summer evening. Our sun sets at 8:00p.m. at the latest in our summer. Miss those long summer evenings.
Lovely way to spend an evening, it's nice to have the countryside right on your doorstep isn't it?
Wonderful evening and fab to hear how Mr H is starting to see the world through bloggy eyes too! Got to get out and make the most of these warmer evenings, the weather man just mentioned how it would be feeling autumna; at the weekend!
Lisa xx
That is the sort of stroll I would like to take in the evening especially if there is a pub at the other end :-) Diane
What lovely photos Diane. I agree with your husband I too am starting to see our village in a new light, as if I am re-visiting it all again.
that was a lovely walk and evening. I have to ask, did you talk about moving to St Ives, beloved and I are talking a lot about moving to Cornwall x
What a lovely evening Diane. I bet it felt like a date :0)
How lovely to be able to walk through the fields to a rocking Pub! And one that does a decent meal!
You do live in a lovely part of the country (even if it is the wrong side of the hills! ;)
That's what we all dream about, walking to the pub for good grub on a sunny evening. Glad you made the most of it, sounds great.
Sounds like a wonderful evening -it`s these type of memories in the making that always stay with you ! xx
Sorry you can`t make next week -John tells me you are planning to meet up with him sometime in All Bar One- better in a way ,you will have the time for a better chin wag ! I will make sure he brings you my pressie xx
Sounds perfect to me Diane. It is funny when the teens check up on us ! I swear that Jess has become the mother now !
This green and pleasant land - sounds like a perfick evening
Such lovely photos, I tried to pick a favourite but there were too many. I love the views over the fields with the wild flowers in the foreground and also the Paradise Square ones too which were pretty in a much more orderly way.
A beautiful summer evening walk with a delicious pub meal in the middle and good company - sounds just perfect. It looks like you were both on holiday rather than it being just an ordinary day.
We're just getting to the stage where we have time on our own too, It's an odd feeling when you're used to being a foursome. We're lucky to have some lovely walks on our doorstep too. You certainly picked a lovely evening for a stroll. Can't wait to hear all about your sewing room.
What a lovely post - and exciting that Dave and I will soon be able to have evening walks together too :)
You had such lovely views across the fields and I love all the long grasses and wildflowers. The light in the photos is great!
You sound like you had a lovely evening. Beautiful pictures!
a lesson to us all diane...
may take chris out for a wander tonight
How wonderful to be able to walk out of your door into such wonderful countryside - it sounds like you had a perfect evening:)
Welcome to the club!!!! We've been enjoying our freedom for a little while now. Saying that, both of ours ( at 19 and 24) are bunking in on our trip to France in the summer ... we thought we might have a trip abroad on our own this year ... but no! So we'll be paying for four as usual!
We are enjoying our new found freedom. In the spring we walked to the local hostelry with son no.1 and I have to say had a wonderful evening with far too much wine. I nearly ended up hugging a poplar tree on the way back as I was extolling its virtues to our eldest son. I think they both grabbed me by the elbow and carried me home by that point! Happy Days.
What a lovely evening. I can't remember the last time I had an uninterupted conversation with my hubby!!!!!!
What a great way to spend a summer evening - lovely pics Diane. Lesley x
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