On Saturday, I packed a day and a half into a day.
First up, was our village open gardens day. This year, 8 people opened up their gardens in aid of the church restoration fund. I planned to visit 5, but ended up only having time to do 2 (because of chatting!!!).
The first garden I visited had started out as a tiny patio garden when the couple first bought the house. It had an allotment and an orchard from the pub behind it. When the pub planned to turn the orchard into a car park, they had objected strongly, and had ended up buying the plot and turning it into a massive garden.

They had bought the plot in 3 stages, and each "stage" was like
exploring a secret garden.

The wild boar made me jump!

They were very much a "make do and mend" couple and had made a fabulous greenhouse out of next doors old windows.

The house was positioned on a hill, and in direct sunlight. Ideal for the very productive vegetable patch.

The second garden was a lot smaller but had loads of people in it. (They were serving Pizza Lunch here!)

Its a lovely idea to open your garden up to local residents. I got tons of ideas for my own. I caught up with a couple of people I hadn't seen for a while - who all promised me fabulous goodies for my WI stall in September, and I met people who I wouldn't have otherwise met. Brilliant.
Then it was off to my next engagement of the day.
Their gardening style was just up your street then! Your stall in Spetmeber is going to be overflowing if all the goos turn up as promised, fabulous!
Looking forward to seeing what else you got into your day.
Lisa x
I would loved to have joined you but I am sure we also would have spent too much time talking and not seen as much as we should have done!
By the way I have had no time to get my sewing machine out so far, I will get there. Dolly happily sits hanging on our bedroom door. Diane xx
I love looking round gardens, it gives you so much inspiration for your own. Looks like you got the weather for it too.
I love the annual garden days - two of our best in the village have retired which is very sad. I saw them last year in all their glory very inspirational.
The sun has got it's hat on HOORAY!
Its great fun looking around other peoples` gardens -I always come away with lots of great ideas -I wish I`d thought of myself !!
Look forward to meeting you too Diane-my sister and I will be joining our local W.I. soon [I told her all about your MR Darcy blog-trouble is John wants to come along now too !!] The allotment opening starts at 1pm -lets hope for nice weather and looking forward to seeing you there !!xx
You chatter box. Your comment made me LOL. I didn't say I was a good trypist did I. I dare not repeat what the Office Practice teachers used to say about me. I sometimes see one of them when I go to church with my mum and always feel embarassed. Every time she turned to the blackboard I used to see how many times I could spin around on the swivel chairs. I also used to put a grip in my hairin the same (very old fashioned even at the time) way same as she did. I was a bit of a tinker - although not in the naughty unkind way.
Looks like a wonderful garden - full of lots of little interesting corners. I think the boar would hve made me jump, too - it looks so life like! Will you be inspired to open your garden next year?:)
I love Village Garden Open Days, too. Not seen many around here, but now we are back from our hols, I must get going again and not get back into THAT RUT!
Those vegetables look fabulous!
I love garden open days. I come away with loads of ideas, and plants I'd like. Trouble is, I can't then find some of the plants. I saw a lovely blue flowered Dierama (Angel's Fishing Rod) a few years ago now but have never seen one to buy.
I love visiting gardens, lots of nice people, great ideas and ........ new plants!
Carol xx
This is such a great idea! You're clearly great gardeners overthere!
I love looking arund other peoples gardens and you very often come away with great ideas and a full belly of tea and cake!
I have retreated into the house today as it is too hot to do the garden!
I love to look at other peoples graden also, looks like you had a nice day out.
Just to let you know I've visited and left lots of comments all down to when we met a month ago ... it feels so much longer ... so much has happened. Where does the time go?
Have a fab week Diane dear xx
Village garden open days are always fun, so many different kinds of gardens to see. Dore had their open gardens last weekend when it was so hot and humid and I just couldn't face going out in all that heat and humidity so shall have to wait for next year now.
I always mean to do this when there is an open gardens weekend here. That first garden is inspirational - so glad to hear that it didn't become a carpark !
I love having a good old snoop around other peoples' gardens when really we should be putting all our efforts into our own!
Busy day!
Sandie xx
I love a village gardens open event, lots of inspiration and usually home made treats. The weather is fantastic at the moment, far too nice for actual work but good to be consolidating your gardening ideas from a sunny seat.
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