Saturday 6 April 2013

A treat

I finally treated myself to a new camera - a treat to myself!

 I had fun in the garden testing  some of its features...

 I wanted to record the path to my door before the snowdrops disappear - they have been out for ages this year!
 I loved this path that I saw whilst walking at Wentworth
 And I loved the blue sky AND WARM SUNSHINE that we had today - hurray!!
 I couldn't understand where all the bees were coming from until I spied these.

It is only a basic camera, but doesn't technology move on a pace! It is much more advanced than the last point and shoot I bought.

Looking forward to getting out and about for a bit more snapping! xxxx


Elizabethd said...

I do love to see little flowers growing through paving.
Hasn't it been a real Spring day!

John Going Gently said...

A those forget me nots Inbetween the paved slabs?

Louise said...

well you and the new camera have taken some lovely photographs. What kind did you get?

Diane said...

I have a new Nikon but I am struggling to come to grips with it. I have had a cheap camera all my life that simply works on auto, this is far more complicated! Enjoy. Diane

Lyn said...

glad your enjoying the new camera Diane, I look forward to seeing more photos.
It has been a lovely day today hasn't it?

greenthumb said...

Have fun with your new camera, I'm enjoying mine.

Rosie said...

Looking forward to seeing the results of your new camera when you go on your lovely walks and explorations:)

Curtise said...

Great pics from the new camera. I keep intending to learn more about photography but am far too lazy and just stick the camera on Auto and hope for the best! Hurray for some sunshine, at long last! xxxxx

Lisa said...

A new toy to lay with, looking forward to seeing more!
I love the house in that last photo, it's really unusual.
I love the path too, pretty little spring flowers are a treat to see.
Lisa x

love those cupcakes said...

Happy new camera! I've had mine a while now but am still in auto mode.

Anonymous said...

Well done Diane, those shots are great. Love the tower/house.

Good to know that the bees survived the winter.

Mister D said...

Thanks for your comments Diane, regarding Montmatre, if you get a mo take a look at Jeffs blog here i find his weekly posts inspirational

Anonymous said...

Well you surely have some lovely photographs..