Friday 16 May 2014

Freddie Gilroy - an ordinary man

Something new in Scarborough since we last visited was the statue of Freddie Gilroy.  You might never have heard of him - I know I hadn't.  He was just an ordinary man.  But when you read his story, you realise that he wasn't.  You can read his story HERE.  Like thousands of boys and men, he went to fight for his country and came back a changed person.

 I love this statue.  It is so thought provoking and visually stunning.

 We so often see statues of leaders and generals etc, but very rarely is the ordinary man commemorated.
 I stuck hubby at the side of it to give you an indication of the scale!!


lazylol said...

I love this but it does bring a tear to your eye, doesn't it x

diane b said...

It is a fabulous sculpture and story. Nice hubby too.

Rosie said...

Missed this! We did see the sculpture of the fisherman at Filey by the same artist though and that was wonderful - so much detail. What humbling reading that is and it is good to see Freddie Gilroy's story recorded and remembered:)

Angel Jem said...

How lovely to have an ordinary man named for once! You get famous people immortalised in stone or brass or whatever, and often an unnamed person who stands as representative, but this is a very touching story. Thank you, I'll look out for it in Scarborough.

Young at Heart said...

How very moving and quite wonderful that he is commerated in that brilliant way....... although I imagined Freddie with a less miserable expression!!x

Amy at love made my home said...

What an amazing sculpture to recognise an amazing humble man and also the lady that bought him so that he could stay in his home town. Lovely to see and to read the story, although it is such a sad one. xx

Curtise said...

What a wonderful statue. Yes, I like to see ordinary people and their history celebrated and remembered too, and Freddie's story is very poignant. xxx

Curtise said...

What a wonderful statue. Yes, I like to see ordinary people and their history celebrated and remembered too, and Freddie's story is very poignant. xxx

Amanda said...

What a lovely tribute, very thought provoking though.

Jay said...

What a superb sculpture and a very moving tribute, I hadn't heard of him before but clicked over to read the details. Thank you.

The Greenockian said...
