Everything in blogland is generally very lovely, practically perfect in every way. However here at "Heart shaped", things often go pear shaped. So I thought I would show you one of my very prominent disasters. Did you ever see a more sad and sorry looking hanging basket!!
Thursday, 24 September 2009
I'll show you mine....
.............If you'll show me yours!
Everything in blogland is generally very lovely, practically perfect in every way. However here at "Heart shaped", things often go pear shaped. So I thought I would show you one of my very prominent disasters. Did you ever see a more sad and sorry looking hanging basket!!
Don't you just love the cascade of flowers that totally cover the mechanics of the basket?!! And the really bad thing is that it has hung in front of my house all summer for all the world (well the neighbours!!) to see. I'm not really into hanging baskets (obviously!!) but next year I plan to put tomatoes in it instead. So come on - show me something that didn't quite turn out as planned.
Everything in blogland is generally very lovely, practically perfect in every way. However here at "Heart shaped", things often go pear shaped. So I thought I would show you one of my very prominent disasters. Did you ever see a more sad and sorry looking hanging basket!!
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I think you've just set a great challenge, perhaps it should become a weekly thing 'hehe'!
Everything in blogland is wonderful because that's the way we all want it to be, an escape from reality but we all know that it's not really like that.
I keep threatening to give knitting another go, so hopefully i'll get a chance over the weekend and I promise to show my disasterous attempts lol!
Beki xxx
I could show you any number of forlorn looking plants from our garden. I start off with good intentions and then forget about the poor things!
Lisa x
You are not alone! I've just emptied the pot and taken down the pea sticks that held my sweet peas - bought with excitement, planted with pleasure and watered regularly only to have just three flowes on them the whole summer and I saw so many lovely photos of sweet peas on other blogs so it must have been something I did - oh well I'll try again next year:) I still have the knitted Easter bunny with a few nicely placed holes in the body and a very disgruntled look on his face owing to my inadequacies as a crafts person:)
Diane! The problem is not you! It's your Begonia!(is it a Begonia or do I need to see an optician?)
The direct sunlight made it growing in height! I think it's lovely even if it is pear-shaped!
Diane you are right - Perfect Blogland can be a real confidence-shaker as we all read daily of everybody else's wonderful, tidy, beautifully arranged lives... Bekimarie is right that we need a bit of fantasy to escape reality now and again, but it is so good to be honest as well and admit we are NOT perfect! I am all up for this as you will see from my banana skin post (read to the end) and although I haven't got any pictures I am happy to admit to there being pink baby things ALL OVER our house, my artroom is knee-deep in all sorts of stuff, there are piles of washing, clean and dirty - and sometimes mixed - everywhere, and we have eaten only convenience foods this week. And that is only a taster ;-)
Something that didn't go well for me was the squeezing of a spot on my chin the other day. I should have left it well alone. (You're definitely not getting a picture of that one!)
I've a half dead topiary type tree stood outside my front door - it's so heavy that I haven't quite summoned the energy to move it so i'm leaving it there in the hope it make make a spectacular recovery over the Autumn. If not I'm going to spray it green!!!
Dear Diane at least you tried,my baskets tend to be a diaster mainly due to not watering them enough,any how l agree with every one else blogland is airbrushed to make it look great l admit to tidying up a bit before l take some photos while all around the house gets a bit untidy but do you realy want to see my mess noooooo.
Have a good weekend hugs Pat
I could show you tons of gardening disasters, my christmas rose recently planted and a series of disasterous hanging baskets...
I don't do hanging baskets for precisely this reason!! Anyway, i'm not tall enough to water them. x
I'm supposed to be the gardener & mu hanging basket was a sad affair. My friend the non gardener had a magnificent show - looked like it was bought at the garden ctr but she'd done it all by herself !
With me it's cakes - now my daughter makes her own birthday cakes !
My veg was awful this year, I put it on my post today!
This is why I take most of my photos outside - inside is usually too messy and cluttered. And if you look closely there are certain places in the garden that I favour, because they are the ones without dead plants, old flowerpots, and general rubbish! But it helps me pretend that I live a nice, neat and tidy life!
Pomona x
Great post Diane. Here's one of my disasters:
I prefer to call it a "happy mistake"
lol :o)
Oh dear - how long have you got? Checkout my post about being named and shamed at the allotment! Maybe we blog about the good stuff as we haven't got time to blog about the bad - it would take too long! I think bekimarie is right - it is an escape but I also find other peoples posts inspirational and I often leave the computer full of ideas of things I can rearrange and reorganise to make my surroundings better ...
Great post! And if I showed you mine it would contain nothing but my husband's cigarette butts!
Very sad! sigh!
Thanks for coming to visit me!
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