Mum and I had a walk through Wortley Park. Come with us. The views are lovely over towards Barnsley.

The hedgrows are bursting at this time of year.

This shot is just short of a mouse!

We went through the gates into the grounds of the hall.

The wood pile must be home to millions of mini beasts.

The lavender is in full bloom.

It smells divine.

And the colours are lovely.

We peeped into the walled garden where they grow all the fruit and vegetables. Next Saturday afternoon, if you take your own knife, fork, plate and soft drink, they will make you an organic salad - for free!

The "hot" borders are looking lovely this year too.

My mum couldn't believe how many photos I took of "daft things". She said I was wasting my "film". I tried to explain about digital photography, and I showed her the SD memory card, but I think I just confused her even more.
So here is one more "daft thing".
What a lovely place and that lavender, I would of stayed for hours.
B xxx
I like your 'daft things' photos! Looks like a lovely place. x
The lavender looks so beautiful. I'd come over and have an organic salad on Saturday but my wrist isn't strong enough for me to drive yet. I'd love to look round that walled garden as well as seeing the borders.
Oh, that lavender looks so beautiful what a super place Wortley Park looks. I always enjoy your 'daft things' photographs:)
Had to smile at your mum's comment about film. Lovely photos.
Hi Diane - I love your photo of the pathway bordered with Lavender.
Thanks for your lovely comment regarding my last blog post. I'd love you to be my surrogate mum :0)
Jill xxx
Why English Lavender is soooo purple?????!!! Aah, now I know from whom you've inherited your great sense of humour! Ha ha! xxxxxxxx
Dear Diane
I'm all in favour of admiring the "daft" things !!
What a beautiful place you visited. It looks so welcoming and I'd love to step in their and run my fingers through the lavender. One of your photos (of the red and yellow daisy like flower) is of a plant I've got in my garden for the first time this year. Its called Gaillardia I think! I'm really impressed with the plant as it is so prolific and the flowers are gorgeous.
Thank you for your comment over at mine. Yes, it is the ever lovely St Mawes - aaaah such a fab place, isn't it? And thank you for commenting on the hat - you and I can step forth in our eccentric hats knowing that past the age of 40 eccentricity is the only way forward ;-)
Wishing you happy days ahead,
Denise x
You are so good at these "walking" posts. Love 'em.
What a lovely place to visit. I'm so glad we all take so many daft photos - it makes the blogs so good!
We bought my Mum a digital camera and she takes lots of photos, but leaves them on the camera .... She can't be persuaded to upload them onto my dad's computer or even take them to be developed!!!
So we view them on the tiny display on her camera!
Love Kathy xxx
All that Lavender-would make me want to curl up and go to sleep!
The photo of the poppy is perfect!
Wow I've never been to Wortley Hall looks lovely. Have you seen the walled garden at Cannon Hall recently, the veggie patches look fab !!
twiggy x
Went to St. Ives and thought of you!
Lovely lovely open countryside and golden corn, how summery and perfect and not complete without poppy! Thank you for showing me,
Sarah x
So...will you be taking your knife & fork along ?
Lovely pics of a lovely place. I love all the colours especially the lavender, it's so blue, and I bet the perfume was wonderful :-)
I loved this post! Interesting see the flowers, especially. I've never seen lavendar like that, and the other "daft" things were a joy, too! So funny...wasting your film! Sweet!
It looks a lovely place, love all that lavender, nothing wrong with taking photos of daft things thats what blogs are for!
I really like the first photo, I'd like to be there now!
Yes, you were right about the elderflower champagne, glad I didn't chuck it out.
ha ha! Shows the times with your mum's comment! How the photos! I love getting out and about with other bloggers! You get to see so much more of the world! xxx
Daft things? Never! She obviously doesn't have a bloggers eye!
Lovely place to go and I bet the lavender walk was just perfect!
Thanks again for my birthday treats.
Lisa x
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