On a recent "clear out", my Mum came across this make up bag that I had made for her when I was young. I remember embroidering this onto lots of things I made, including a shopping bag for my Grandad who proudly shopped with it every day of his life declaring it to be the strongest shopping bag ever. And I invented the design myself! I had imagination then - and I seem to remember being inspired by the tune " Oh I'm going to Jamaica".
Skywatch Warning - Just to give you advanced warning of the Perseid Meteor shower display for this year. If we have clear skies on the evening of the 12th of August, you may be lucky enough to see hundreds of shooting stars. The displays pick up speed after midnight, but you get a fair few as soon as it gets really dark. You can also spot a few stragglers a few nights before and after too. So remember to put the date in your diary, and get a "blanket on the ground" with someone special for a truly romantic and spectacular display (clouds permitting!). I hope you see plenty - remember, its one wish per shooting star!
Thank you for the Meteor Shower reminder. I too used to do lots of embroidery.
I am planning to have a really big sort out and chuck away. maybe that'll free up more head space to do a bit more again.
Have a great day.
Love your embroidery!
Thanks for the heads up on the meteor shower, tis now jotted down in my diary!
B xxx
Wow that cross stitch is gorgeous, what a lovely gift. I live your design too, especially the tree coming out of the sun.
Ooohh I will try and remember that date - thanks for the tip off.
Oh what a lovely makeup bag you made.
Thanks for that ....I'll try to stay awake !
I couldn't believe that pouch when I saw it on Jill's blog, it's so beautiful.
Definitely invest in a good light and get yourself going again. You obviously had the talent when you were younger!
Thanks for the heads up about the meteor shower - think I'll just romantically watch them myself though!
I will definately be marking that date in my calendar - I can remember being on a boat sailing from corfu town back to kavos and seeing loads of shooting stars - they were awesome . You should definately get yourself a light and take up embroidery again . Gorgeous gift too
I saw the cross stitch on Jill's blog too and thought it was lovely and now you have it ... what a lovely gift! I used to do lots of cross stitch as well. Isn't it funny how you tire of things and then wish you still did it when you see other people's work!
Love Kathy xxx
Both lovely though I like the fact you thought up your design yourself, I used to have an imagination too, wonder where it went.
Will try and rememeber to look out for the shooting stars, thanks for that.
I'm so happy that you like it. I'm thinking of offering one as part of a giveaway when I hit my 100th post (which is very very soon).
Embroidery is hard on the eyes isn't it? It's much easier in day light, but it's a hobby that I tend to do in the evenings when Violet's gone to bed, though the light isn't much cop by then.
That Jill is so clever! xxx
The lavender pouch is beautiful. I used to do a lot of cross stitch but found that it got harder to find patterns that I wanted to sit down and sew.
Thanks for a reminder about the Perseid Meteor shower, should be able to remember the date as it's our anniversary.
Lovely entry...I love shooting stars and making wishes...and I love your bag! You're a great stitcher! :) xxx
Will note that in my diary.
Your new lavender sachet is so pretty, what a thoughtful gift.
Haven't done any cross stitch for ages, plenty of patterns though.
Lisa x
That's a lovely gift to have been given. Love the embroidery you did in days gone by. Get that light and get stitching! I shall try and remember the shooting stars now that you have given the date. :O)
Will pop the date in my diary. I have never been a neat person when it comes to sewing, What lovely memories of your grandad and his shopper!
Lovely gift you lucky thing. Your own embroidery is wonderful too, I clicked for a close-up and the work is beautiful, very impressive for a young 'un.
Thanks so much for your lovely Birthday wishes, and also for the advance warning on the fireworks! What's the chance of a clear night I wonder!
Kate x
Wow you clever girls you and Jill both! So much patience too.
Oh I do love shooting stars, who doesn't eh? Thanks for letting us know!!! xxx
Very nice work! I've embroidered and cross-stitched and candlewicked my eyesight into overdrive so many times my eyes have given up on the close stuff. A very bright light does help, but I struggle too much to make it fun. The denim bag is charming!
hellooooo! After you 'introduced' me to the perseids last year I already have my night planned for this year - involves a vino (or 2) a chair, and a cmera...actually the same as last years! BTW, thanks for the offer of bridesmaid, if you've no aversion to lime green tulle, jobs all yours! My friend really thinks I'm putting her in a shock frock! Actually bit of an insult on me,she really must think I've no taste!! Ah well, got a reserve now hahaha!
BH x
'Oh I'm going to Jamaica'... do you mean 'Wo, I'm going to Barbados'...?? On Coconut Airways, obviously.
its so pretty, have you looked on etsy for iron on transfers i got some from there last year! fliss xx
in answer to your question , the lad from Barnsley was called Phil :-)
Lovely stitchy things there! Those strawberries look good enough to eat, and Im rather drawn to your little Jamaican people too!
Thanks for the nod about the meteor shower, always like to see one of those - magical!
Love Julia x x x
How many wishes did you make? Love the lavender sachet, I wish I still had the patience to do some cross stitching!
Hope you are having a great summer,
What a great little crafter you were, that design is brilliant, no wonder your Mum kept it.
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