Monday 7 February 2011

The Sheffield Chronicles by JP Bean

As a special treat, the people that run the "Off the Shelf" literary festival in Sheffield, decided to run a "history" special weekend. I wish that they had run it over a month, because they crammed so much really good stuff into a weekend that it was impossible to get to much of it! Anyway I found myself with an opportunity to go and listen to local author JP Bean talking about his book "The Sheffield Chronicles" which took place at the Long Gallery in the Winter Gardens/Millenium Galleries - a delightful place to spend a Sunday morning.

As I wandered through, I thought I would remind you that a cutlery dragon lives here!
I also love the huge rusty "Made in Sheffield" bells.

Mr Bean researched his book by reading old newspapers etc in the library across the road. He has listed some historical Sheffield fact for every day of the year. There are stories about celebrities who visited the city or who are from the city, ordinary everyday local people, buildings long gone, newer buildings, old events, events from more recent times, funny stories, sad events etc

He was great to listen to, a very entertaining story teller. I'm glad I made the effort to get out of bed and go.

I had left hubby in bed as he had been on a night shift. I am always amazed when I do things on my own that so many lovely people make the effort to speak to me - something that doesn't happen as much when I am out as part of a couple.


Jo said...

It sounds like an interesting book. I should make more of an effort to get to events such as this, I'm sure I miss out on loads of good things.

Rowan said...

There was some good stuff on, I wanted to go to the lecture by Michael Wood but couldn't make it. There were other good things too, certainly it would hve been better over a week than a weekend. Trains were running again this morning I gather - at least, DH left for the station and hasn't come back:)

A garden just outside Venice said...

I read "Mr Bean"..and then thought that I'm a true stupid! :D

Jan said...

It sounds like the perfect way to spend a Sunday morning. I'm a huge fan of anything to do with local history and this book sounds great!

Mrs Bent said...

I love the cutlery dragon, I didn't even see what it was made of until I saw its name

Kathy said...

You've had a busy weekend! I love that dragon ... I need a dragon for this project we're doing in school. Do you think they'll loan it out?
We couldn't get out of the house on Sunday it was so stormy ... there are fences and branches down all around us. Luckily we've come through unscathed.

Rosie said...

Sounds like you have had a busy weekend. Mr Bean's book and talk sound interesting just the kind of thing I'd enjoy:)

Janet said...

I loved the cutlery dragon too ! would have to slap my fingers to stop myself fingering those lovely bone handled knives though !
Sometimes its nice to take yourself off somewhere and have a wander- good to please yourself -glad you had a nice time xxx

elsy said...

us brits can be friendly cant we, am still amazed that people say good morning here, in London i didn't know my neighbours and we lived there 15 years ( not our fault , honest).... Manchester get together looks fantastic, what a memorable day out x

Lisa said...

Oh yes I remember that dragon.
Sounds like a really intersting way to spend part of your weekend.
Lisa x

John Going Gently said...

one of my fav places to go in sheffield!

Virginia said...

OH now that was some fun. I"m wanting the cutlery dragon though!!!!

Mister D said...

Did you know that those rusty bells - before the current refurb - were positioned next to various leaflets and pamphlets including some for help with Tinitus (isn't that ringing in the ears ?) how strange - or was it deliberate.