Inspired by
Ciel over at the wonderful Versaille Daily Blog, I decided to take photographs of some of the lovely doorways I noticed on my Sunday morning jaunt around Sheffield.
First up is the lovely red door of the recently restored "Brown Bear" in the Cultural Quarter.

I like what they did with the Brown Bear. They restored it using materials that would have been used at the time that it was built. They had the glass made out in an Eastern Eurpoean country where it was still made the old way - it has a wonderful uneven quality. The only problem with the pub is that it seems to attract a few older heavy drinkers, but its worth a swift half just to have a look around it.

This little side door into the Cathedral is far prettier than the huge modern entrance.

And I love the doors on the Upper Chapel in Surrey street. The congregation were singing and it sounded lovely - and very heartwarming.

The lions heads on the canopy over the doors on Parade Chambers are very grand.

And I noticed that there are so many doorways like this dotted around - all very beautiful, with lovely lanterns, and almost all walked past with no notice taken of them at all!

But my favourite, and I make no apologies for showing you these again (as I showed you them before) are the "Made in Sheffield" Stainless Steel doors that lead into the Cutlers Hall...

... with the Elephant handles - the symbol of the Cutlers who used to use the ivory from the Elephants in their trade.

Don't forget to pop your name on my previous post if you want to have a go at my giveaway. xxx
So many lovely old buildings, each so grand and individual.
Lisa x
The stainless steel doors are my favorite too :0)
It was great to hear that the new owners of The Brown Bear had made such an effort to restore the building using traditional methods. Sometimes modern isn't always best.
One of my favourite subjects, I always want to know what is behind though!! Great photos. Diane
Gorgeous shots. A lot of my ancestors came from Hull, when you walk around the city you can still see it's old bones. Doorway's make such a statement.
I must start looking at doors, you're quite right that they do go unremarked- at least by me! I must be more observant. My favourite of these is the side door into the Cathedral - the modern entrance does nothing for me at all, not that I've ever actually seen it other than from a distance:)
Those steel doors are amazing! Interesting post - thanks!
I love the wooden doors, they look so old but are in such great condition
An interesting post, yet again, Diane. Love the elephant doorknobs. I thought it was only Mediterranean countries that had interesting door knobs.
Great post-I love the elephant doorknobs !
I do like a nice big heavy door!!! The stainless steel doors are stunning! I bet they are easier to keep clean than if they were silver plated!!! x
I like old, heavy wooden doors. Those elephant handles are wonderful.
Hope you've recovered from my post and are still smiling about bra, we all remember our first one don't we?!
Lisa x
This has inspired me to look more closely at my surroundings. You have a real eye for the unusual and it's great to see a city from a resident's point of view. Especially when it's a Northern city...they get such bad press normally!
What a great variety of doors you have in your town. I love the red door of the pub.
I love a good door! My favourite style is Geogian.
I bet you'd love Watson Fothergill's work, he was an Architect in the Nottingham area and I used to love looking for his work around Nottingham when I lived there.
Sandie xx
Wonderful doors and doorways. All works of art in different ways. I love lookig at doors and gates too:)
the elephant handles were new to me....
There are some beautiful doors out there...and windows too for that matter! I'm such a peeping Tom sometimes! xxx
Fantastic doors and I love the elephant doorknobs.
I love doors Diane, and you've found some real treasures here...I bet I know another door that you love too ~ that gloriously sea green paint peeling one off a little side lane in St Ives - I think it is sadly protected now by a gate so you don't really see it in all it's glory, but it's one of my favourites all the same!
Love Julia x
The 1st one is lovely! It reminds me of Elizabeth Arden cosmetics!
If this is all in England, now I know why I want to visit it some day.
The pub is competing with the steel door for me! Lovely post, thanks!
always one of my favourite subjects to photograph Diane. I love the stainless steel ones too!
Handsome building the Brown Bear - preferred the beer when it was
John smiths to Sam smiths tho ! Lovely nostalgic photos btw.
That red door is fabulous! You have captured so many beautiful doors, all different in materials and architecture... lovely post!
Those are lovely doors - but I like the little Cathedral side door best!
I tend to forget what a lovely city Sheffield is. I have stopped seeing the lovely buildings on my frantic occasional pilgramages to Cole Brothers !!
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