After a late start, my garden is now bursting into colour. The Viburnum that I treated myself to last year has thankfully
survived the cold winter and is treating me to some beautiful scented pompom blooms.

And my investment in a bag full of bulbs purchased in
November has paid off too.

The violets have spread further and further,

and I had forgotten how many of these I had planted. Note the sad Bay plant which doesn't look like it has made it - but I'm giving it chance to recover - just in case.

My early
Clematis is full of flowers and has crept further and further over my apple tree,

which is starting to burst into blossom also.

Its always about 5 degrees warmer around the front of my house - illustrated perfectly by these tulips - round the back.....

...and around the front!
How is your garden doing?
Your garden looks great. We are surrounded by fruit tree blossom at the moment. Deer are getting in from time to time and doing damage here and there but not too much hopefully...... We lost our bay tree last year at the top but it sprouted from the bottom, so fingers crossed for yours..........
Looks as though you're going to have a riot of colour in your garden. You already have so much going on. Our garden is much as the previous owners left it. But I'm looking forward to adding to it. I love clematis, but have none here, so it's nice to see yours. But at the moment we're still working on getting the veg garden ready, late I know.
There's so much interest in your garden already. It's nice to have your tulip blooms spaced out, you get to enjoy them longer this way.
Your garden is looking so good. We seem to have lost a lot over the winter, either that are it's all still sleeping. So not much going on here apart from the usual tree blossom and daffs. We're not the world's greatest gardeners.
Spring has sprung! I will never tire of this part of the year. How lovely that you have some things in bloom, and others to look forward to soon. What a lovely garden! Your clematis is beautiful, and I love the sound of it climbing the apple tree! xxx
Your garden is looking very colourful indeed. Hope you are enjoying the sun.
Lisa xx
Your garden is looking great. Mine is also flowering well but I am worried as we often get a late frost in May!!! Especially not good for the veg garden. See my last update here in France. Hope all well, too busy here to think about sewing but it will happen :-) Diane
Its not!
I need to get my butt out there pretty soon!
Your spring blooms are looking lovely....
It amazes me how the plants can survive cold, snowy winters. They are all looking fresh and full of living colour. My garden is very green from all the rain but the flowers have finished as we enter Autumn. Our leaves don't change colour and fall in the sub tropics but further south especially in Victoria they have autumn leaves.
Your garden and mine look rather different - partly due to the fact we purchased a bag of bulbs too and then left them in the garage. My Bay tree have died too I am afraid.
What a riot of lovely colour. Spring is my favourite - a return to life.
What a lot of interest in your garden already Diane. Mine is looking rather woeful. All the n eighbours have been mowing their lawns and tidying up, but I can't lift my mower out of the shed yet so mine looks awful by comparison. Oh well!
I remember you post about the Viburnum.
So glad it is giving you perfumed pleasure.
My Bay plant looks similar to yours, I should have brought it in the house me thinks.
Sandie xx
Your garden looks lovely. Its so great to see everything starting to come to life, isn't it? I hope your bay has survived. I have a few things that I am leaving in 'just in case', but i'm not too hopeful, they look quite dead to me. Lovely blog, by the way. I will be back to have a browse when I have a little more time.
Wwo, your garden is so beautiful. Hopefully this summer I can get some lilies to plant out in my front garden to spice things up a little around my house, hopefully the deer don't come out of the woods across from my house to eat the lilies like they did last summer. lol.
Very pretty and I love those violets . We just have a tiny strip of soil about 2ft wide by about 12ft long which I've just been planting some seeds up for - that's if the pup doesn't eat them !! You are very lucky to have a garden
You should treat us to a walk in your lovely garden more often!!!
I read the comment you put on my interests blog post, your husband and son actually seen the guys on Top Gear live? Really? wow, that is so cool. And I just adore when you put pictures of things you like on your blog, it makes me want to visit England just that much more!!
Not quite as colourful as yours ... but I do have those violets growing anywhere they please, and a dying bay tree.
Looking lovely, plenty of bright colours coming through. What a lovely few days we are having at the moment :) Recently planted some lobelias and sunflowers, hopefully will flower soon (i haven't got very experienced green fingers, heh).
funny you should ask Diane, I popped up my garden before. I ccan't believe you have blossom on your apple tree ours is only just coming to life with tiny green shoots! some of my tulips have been and gone but my daffs are still doing well.
Did you see the Raddison afternoon tea news report this morning!? all about how it is back in fashion to have afternoon tea, nice to think we are in fashion anyway!!!
So beautiful! I'm a bit jealous. We are just now seeing our first blooms (dafodils), and though they are wonderful...I sure am looking forward to more color. Well done! Your hard work has paid off. :)
Your garden is beautiful! Cx
Diane, I love your spring garden and the wonderful variety of blooms and colors. Our azaleas are in glorious array of color and variety now.
Bon weekend,
My garden is coming along, I've just bought a cherry tree from The supermarket for £4 and I'm going to plant it in the middle where at the minute sits a very sad Magnolia, which will be moved, its never liked it there but I hope the cherry does!! Hoping to see you in May, yes?? xxxx Noelle
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