Friday, 15 April 2011
I dropped the young man off early morning earlier in the week at The English Institiute of Sport in Sheffield as I had booked him a training day with the Sheffield Sharks Basketball team (whom he says after meeting them that they are the coolest guys on earth!)
As we pulled into the car park, we discovered that we were parked alongside the inspirational Jessica Ennis who had turned up for a training morning. The young man warned me NOT to reach for my camera! "and don't try racing her to the door either" he threatened in all seriousness! Now Ive never been into sports in any way shape or form, but after giving birth to a boy child who is sports mad, and having traipsed to every sporting event, stood on every freezing cold school football pitch, sat for hours in the rain on cricket pitches across the county, etc etc, I can totally see the benefit for kids - especially for mid teens who can tend to be a bit lazy if you let them! I was astounded to see how many teens were taking advantage of the sports facilities in the Attercliffe Valley this week. I hate to see teenagers hanging about doing nothing (or worse) and they get to an age where they don't really want to be with parents in the school holidays. If you can keep them interested and active in some kind of sport, not only will they keep fitter, be less trouble to society and off the streets, they might also come across some excellent roll models. Its a shame and short sighted that sports programmes are getting cut for this age group of young people. I watched the lovely Jessica Ennis run around the track for a while, and I had a bit of a sprint in my step all day!
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You are so right, sport is good for society. I used to be in a running club, mixed with all types from high flying business folk to ex prisoners. All had the same goal to be fit and work as a team, excellent.
I do agree with you. My eldest was very into sports mainly rugby, but David, my 17 year old doesnot move. He gets home, switches on teh TV and his pc and wateches things on iplayer or one of the other channels and that's it apart from to come up for air to eat his dinner.
Hoepfully he will do a bit for during the next 2 weeks holidays but I doubt it
Me neither Diane, I'm a tryer, not really a player!!
My brother has made a comment that Southampton FC might be going up to the next league!! NO!!!
Knowing Southampton they'll not quite make it!!
The suns just popped out, hope it comes your way!
Have a happy weekend!
Couldn't agree more! Glad to hear the young man enjoyed his day.
Lisa x
I agree with you that it is great to see the young people involved in sport and so active and animated. Like you I have really no interest in sport but my step family were all sport mad with a couple of professionals ( football and cricket) amongst them. I was always entered in the sports day for running and high jump but never really enjoyed it - preferring acting and dancing above sport:)
I couldn't imanage anybody been lazy in your house YOU wouldn't let them, I think sports should be compulsary for all young children (& retired people) stops them from getting bored & FAT. bet Rob had a good day.
Jessica Ennis is one of my heroines - I'm envious. I'm hoping to get an Olympic ticket for part of the Hepthathlon and hope to see her then - if the gods are smiling on me.
I loved sport at school and a little beyond but now I am quite idle - well not really but I dont think I could do the long jump any more or run second leg in the 4 x 100 mtrs relay. Coincidentally my Dad lived in a house almost directly outside the Institute of Sport and he loved the fact that all the fab facilities had been built where he lived and played.
Aren't teenagers funny I was out with Aj and saw Sonny Bill Williams in the Mall. AJ said he would disown me if I said a word to him or asked for his autograph, ha I was to busy staring at his body.
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