Finally the tulips in my back garden decided to show their pretty faces.

And we had some strange visitors. This mini beast took a shining to hubby's hairy legs!

On first sight, I thought that this was a large ladybird, but then. I realised it had no spots

If anybody can tell me what they are I would be very grateful.
oh dear Diane ! it looks like a lily beetle to me - not very good news for your lilies if it is ! gorgeous tulips - your garden looks lovely. hope you do well with your vintage sale at the W. I. will be watching with interest-trying to pick up some tips !
I think the red beetle is a Red or Scarlet leaf beetle, very damaging to lillies and fritallaria.
The green one I cant remember what its called but is also bad news for lillies as we had them on ours!Might be a May Bug as some are green.
Lovely flower pics!
Sorry meant lily beetle not leaf!
I agree the red one looks like a lily beetle. The other is a hawthorn shield bug - I see lots of shield bugs, I quite like them!
The garden looks lovely but I have never heard of a lily beetle before. Must watch out for them so it seems. Diane
Mine are already overblown :-(
Yep squash that lily beetle!
My flowers are a month early this year,
just wish tulips lasted longer.
Have a great week.
Lovely tulips...I have some of the dark purple ones - love them
I love these tulips - such beautiful colours - unfortunately we rarely see them in my neighbourhood
The tulips are looking great. I love the very dark one almost black. Good shots of the beetles but I have no idea what they are called.
The first one is a Shield Bug, sometimes called Stink Bug because of the smell they produce to warn off predators so be careful if you touch them. The second one is a Lily Beetle, I hadn't seen one until a couple of years ago and now I see them all the time. It seems they've well and truly found Yorkshire now. You've got a lovely selection of tulips in your garden.
Lovely shots of the bugs...and and the blooms, of course. Yes, if that's a stink bug, they are icky! They've become rampant here (east coast US) in the last couple of years. Apparently no enemies (except ME), so they are multiplying!
Beautiful! I think my tulips are going to start blooming this week. I love them!
A shield bug and lily beetle. The green one I can tolerate. The red one needs stamping on! x
I agree shield bug (because of its shape)and lily beetle. We've had shield bugs in the garden but I've never seen a lily bug before - must watch out for them! Your tulips are lovely:)
Yes I agree with shield bug and lily beetle. I don't know if the shield bug is harmful to plants but the lily beetle is!!! The tulips look so lovely. I especially like the very dark ones. x
Lily beetles are so clever, when you go out in the evening to collect them
they are canny little blighters and as soon as they are disturbed they will drop onto the soil and turn upside down so you cant see them so be ready!
Also you might see some brown yucky stuff on the leaves - these are eggs and yes they cover them in poo!
Squash as many as you can before they destroy your lilys xxx
I noticed those freaky green beetles the first time a few years ago - maybe they've flown in from foreign parts now that this country's a bit warmer?
I don't know what they are, but I do know that if you are unfortunate enough to be bitten by the green one - it hurts, a lot.
Lovely tulips! As everyone has said - Lily and Shield beetles! Thanks for your comment. Abby x
I don’t need to comment about the beetle as everyone else has! I love tulips, I should have planted more, maybe I will for next year.
Lou xxx
Thanks for your comment! Yes it's a lovely place! There is a lake next to it too, I need to explore it properly one sunny day! I love your flowers. I've just planted some tulip and daffodil bulbs. I'm hoping they might still grow and flower this year!? Any idea? x
The garden is looking blooming Diane!
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