Hubby has banned me from buying any more books from our nearby charity shop. It seems that I have a "habit"! But when they are 60p for a paperback and £1 for hardback, and I can't leave them! I have a fair few piled up in the bedroom (as the bookshelves are all full). These should see me over the winter!

I totally love the one I am reading at the moment. I had seen this doing the rounds in blog land a while back, and so grabbed this when it appeared.

I am totally loving it - it is delightful, amusing and very well written. Ive also send for the DVD from as it was only £2.79. I always have the "Is the film as good as the book "dilemma, I'll let you know.
Who can pass up a good book, not you or me by the look of things.enjoy.
That is an impressive heap - makes my 'to read' pile seems very small - I must buy more ;) Aren't CS's great for books and it seems new titles appear very quickly in there - even whilst they are still full price in the shops!
Books are just so tepmting aren't they. I recognise a few titles from my own to be read pile!
Lisa x
It looks like you've got more than enough to see you through the winter months, I think your hubby is right. I always prefer to read a book before seeing the film, it's fun see if you agree with who they've cast for a particular part.
I have a book buying habit too. I cannot stop myself. Wish I could find the time to read the blooming things though!
Oh dear, another addict. If you could see this room........
I read anything and everything, all the time, cereal boxes, sauce bottles, you name it, I read it.
Just finished "With or without You" by Carole Matthews, chick lit but lovely book all the same. Now reading "The Outcast" by Sadie Jones.
Hope you have a nice weekend.
Carol xx
'Suite Francaise' and 'The House at Riverton' are both very good. And I too have several books about the Mitford sisters in my TBR pile(s!).
K xx
I would not be able to live if I was banned from buying books from the charity shop. I bring a case full over here every time I come to France. English books are difficult to buy here! The answer is of course a kimble, but for the two of us this is not cheap when living on a tight budget!! Diane
Glad you are enjoying Miss Pettigrew! I have to agree with 'keshling' Suite Francaise and The House at Riverton are both excellent reads. It will be interesting to know how the film compares to the book:)
I think the film was lovely too, your in for a treat!
I buy all my books from charity shops now and as soon as I read one I put it in a pile ready to be donated back. That way they don't mount up too much.
CS book bargains are too good to pass by. I'd buy another book case for the keepers.
your ability to take enjoyment out of the smallest of things
moves me
thank you x
Ooh I know what you mean, 3 for a pound at the car boot last week!!!
That pile should certainly keep you going for a while! Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day is one of those books I've intended to read for ages - have you watched the film yet? Must put the book on my Christmas list I think:)
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