When my lovely Grandad died 14 years ago, I kept lots of things that had belonged to him and my Grandma when we emptied the house. I wish I had kept more because I use everything lots and it helps me to remember them very fondly every day - I still feel as if they are both around and I know it would make them smile and very happy to see me continuing to use their things.
I always loved the pattern and colour of my Grandads dressing gown. He bought it for his one and only hospital stay in the early 1950's. I had thought about making bags for my sister, mum and I and using the fabric to line them - but I can't cut it up.
So precious, I'm glad you didn't cut it up.
does it have the smell of him too diane?
that's what spark my memories!
Far too precious indeed.
A good decision, some things are meant to be kept just as they are. I'd be wearing that too!
Carol xx
I only have one thing from my grandfather that he gave me, a 1927silver dollar. I need to figure out a way to incorporate it in some of my crochet.
But I wanted to say that my best friend passed away 3 years ago at the age of 46 and I have his robe. When I wear it I feel really close to him.
Hold on to it & the menories.
What a precious thing to hold on to and how wonderful to have such lovely memories of your grandad. I have one of my grandad's signet ring and watch chain but I don't remember either of them as they had both gone before I was five years old. It is a very smart dressing gown:)
Comfy and cosy. It's too beautiful to chop - Louise would love it.
I agree with you, the pattern is really lovely!
Aw - what a lovely thing to have.
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger
Beautiful dressing gown, i am so glad you haven't cut it up... Lizzie
Such a precious thing. I have my dad's. Hung up on the back of my bedroom door. It used to smell of him and I would give it a good sniff and a cuddle.
Lisa x
Too precious to cut up ... you made the right decision. I've got nothing to remember my grandparents by. Everything was thrown away. Isn't that sad!
What a good idea to use it. That would make them even more happy. Love the tassel shot.
It is lovely, I use my Dad's old dressing gown which is very similar. It is a lovely Tootal burgundy paisley number, hmmm I might do a blog about it so we can compare and contrast :)
Twiggy x
I wish I had more things from when my grandad died, at the time I was too upset to think about it and now it's too late so you are very lucky to have something so precious .
Loving what your daughter said about the nightcap and candle - the pattern of the dressing gown totally lends to her description.
Isn't it just lovely and I am yet another blogger sitting here thinking "thank goodness it wasn't cut up"!
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