Trust me to lower the tone in blogland, but in fairness it was "theatre" and all done in the best possible taste!
It wasn't for the very prudish, but it was incredibly funny. The women in the audience absolutely loved it, whilst the few blokes (of which Mr Heartshaped was one) squirmed and grimaced a lot!
I'm stumped for an appropriate comment.......rxcept sounds like it could be a great girls' night out. Carol xx
I believe it is hilarious and very well done. I would love to see it. t'other Diane
Sounds like a good giggle. We went to see the Vagina Monologues, I think there were only two chaps in the audience, hubby coped extremely well. I am off to google for photographs!
Ahh so real you can almost feel it!!
word verif: corkin
Eww, that's kinda gross. :D
I always wondered what this show would be like!
Lisa x
I hope your Xmas fair went well today!
Finally I had a good catch up and completed my "visit" to Paris, you even took me inside Les Invalides (only seen from the outdoor)!
I would click on the YouTube video but really don't want the police on the doorstep!
ha ha! Just make the hamster jump out of his skin by laughing so loudly!
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