Tuesday 28 May 2013

Bank Holiday Weekend

We stayed mainly around home this bank holiday weekend.  Hubby had to work Saturday night and so a quick walk around the outskirts of Elsecar and Wentworth had to suffice.

 The views from up here are outstanding - the sun and blue sky made it all look so beautiful.

 This is the first crop in the fields that we have noted is actually growing.  The poor farmers are having a rough time of it around here lately.  It was a gorgeous shade of green.


Jan said...

Its been so nice to have sun on a bank holiday - glad to read that you've had a nice weekend. Jx

Jennyff said...

No wonder everything is so green, all that bloomin rain. Glad you managed to get out and enjoy some blue sky.

Kathy said...

Isn't May glorious when the sun comes out!
Kathy x

Lyn said...

The sun didn't last here but it was lovely while it lasted. I also feel sorry for the farmers, they had a rubbish year last year and this year isn't looking good either.
I hope we do get some nice weather this summer, it does make a big difference to the way people feel.

Lisa said...

Beautiful views, love all the lush greenness.
Lisa x

Rosie said...

Those views are stunning! The weekend sun seems like a dim and distant memory after all that rain yesterday - what a dreadful year or two it has been for the farmers and market gardeners, I was hoping we might get a better summer this year but I'm begining to think we won't:)