Tuesday 14 May 2013

Studio 61

My pal Nic had noticed that the ever so talented Julia Crossland was exhibiting her work at a gallery in Derbyshire - Did I fancy a day out?  Who me? Well yes! So on Saturday, off we went to the gorgeous little gallery Studio 61 at Lea Holloway near Matlock - owned by the very lovely Karina.  I couldn't help but show you where Karina sits and paints - the view from her window is stunning! 

 We had "facebooked" Karina to let her know we were on our way, and she made us feel really welcome.  Nic, Julia and I have bonded over our love of St Ives and Corwall in general, and it turns out Karina and her husband also have their hearts there too.  Julia's work sits very well here.
 Don't you feel just like you could be in St Ives?  We did.  We spent ages "oooing" and "arrring" over the art and all the hand made items in this wonderful little place.  Sometimes a smaller gallery can feel a bit intimidating, but Studio 61 isn't like that at all, it really is a friendly, lovely little place.

 If you are ever in this neck of the woods I would highly recommend a visit.
 After a promising start weather wise, the rain came and we were forced to take shelter in the cafe at Cromford Mill.  I love Cromford Mill.
 We also managed to dodge the showers and wander around Matlock.

 All in all a very very pleasant girls day out.


Curtise said...

I didn't know about the gallery, which looks wonderful, but I went to Cromford Mill recently, and was just in Matlock last week. Lovely photos. I really like the shot of the park in Matlock with the rather forbidding presence of Riber Castle looming on the hill behind! xxx

Selfsewn said...

Anyone who loves St Ives is a friend for life! I've not been for a few years eek...withdrawl!!

Sandies' Patch said...

If you'd gone to Cromford on Sunday, you might have seen my Sister and me!
Quite by chance we where there when a craft fair was on.....luckily I had not got any money or my debit card with me...!
Love Julis' work too and St. Ives, the list goes on!
Sandie xxx

Unknown said...

Looks like a lovely place for a visit. Did you buy anything?
It's been a while since I was last in Matlock - Does it still attract all the bikers?
Hope all's well with you, Diane. xx

Plain Jane said...

What a perfect day out. I know what you mean about small galleries feeling intimidating so it's nice to hear that this one wasn't like that - did you buy anything? Jane x

Anonymous said...

What a delightful place to be. I have one of Julia's prints that always makes me happy.

Jan said...

The gallery has a really 'west country' feel - I can see why you like it so much. Jx

Rosie said...

I know what you mean about some small galleries feeling intimidating - this one looks lovely and oh, the blue of the sea in those lovely pictures:)

Louise said...

You know I love this area too but I hadn't heard of the gallery. I love the seaside-y feel in your photos and I think I'd enjoy a gallery visit.

Lyn said...

It looks lovely, again another place for my list.

Jean said...

"This neck of the woods" is where I lived for most of my childhood. I didn't know the gallery was there until my father told me only yesterday - what a coincidence that you should post about it today!

Lisa said...

Beautiful works of art to look at in the gallery and beautiful countryside outside. And a stop in a cafe too!
Lisa x