Mother Nature must have known that I would be an appreciative recipient of these wonderful freebies when she threw them my way. Ive never planted them.

They even co-ordinate perfectly with the (almost out - just need a tad more sunshine) Sweet Peas that I did plant.

My weekend starts here.
Hello, what gorgeous Poppies, pretty and frilly. I have popped over to give you an award-pick it up from my blog and pass it on.
Have a good weekend!
Oooh you lucky devil! My free gift was a feverfew plant! x
Isn't Mother Nature wonderful .... all of a sudden I have a small elder tree growing in the front garden ..... we do have one out the back but it is 150 feet away on the boundary so can only thank the birdies for transporting the seeds.
I love your blog!
You're an extremely resourceful woman Diane!
Have a great weekend!
..your colleague is coming back!
Lovely photos. Thanks for your comment! x
Thank you Diane. And I have enjoyed reading your blog. We lived in Yorkshire for a while - I loved it. Everyone is so friendly up there.
Have a good weekend.
Cal :>
What pretty 'freebies' to find in your garden - your sweet peas are further on than mine - no sign of any flowers yet! Have a great weekend:)
They are stunning, lucky you!
Have a great weekend.
Lisa x
Lucky, lucky you! They are absolutely gorgeous, such beautiful colours.
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