Sunday 21 March 2010

Wentworth Castle - Parkland

What a glorious day it has been here in South Yorkshire. We needed to stay close to home today as hubby had to go to work at 5pm, so we decided to go for a walk in the Parkland at Wentworth Castle which is a couple of miles away (at Stainborough and not actually in Wentworth - Wentworth Woodhouse is in Wentworth). The house and gardens are owned by 2 seperate entities. You may recognise the house as the college where I am currently endeavouring to "Parle Francaise". The Gardens and park are run by a charitable trust. We didnt have time to do the gardens today, but I couldn't resist the great offer they have where you can buy a season ticket for £30 (which covers myself and hubby) for a whole year. (So you will be seeing more of this place as you know I like my money's worth!!). I know that we do have quite a few tourists in South Yorkshire these days as we do have some great places round about, but this place seems to be getting better at attracting the locals more and more which is brilliant and makes financial sense. I do realise though that it will cost me a small fortune in the cafe when I use my "free" visits - but hey ho.

To do the parkland walk, you normally have to just pay for the car park (£3.50) but I get this included in my season ticket now.
The whole Estate dates back to the early 1700's and has stunning views as it is right on top of a hill - you can see the house from the M1 - its on the right hand side if you are heading south from Barnsley. I think that this used to be the main gate at one time - just wide enough for a horse and carriage.
They have spent a fortune repairing a lot of the features around the old estate - these had been left neglected and in a bad state for a very long time.

The Rotunda is getting a facelift - I hope that they open this once it is done. It contains a large room - where they used to entertain guests, and underneath there is a room where the servants would have prepared food.

There are lots of deer roaming around the park once more.

Further down, we came across column dedicated to the Duke of Argyll.

You can see why we are attracting more tourists to our region - just look at the colour of the sky!!!

On our walk round, I spotted several signs that indicate Spring has most certainly arrived.
Firstly, the bluebells are starting to poke through.

This fella - high in the sky actually felt warm on my face - I could have sat in it for ages.

I saw my first lambs of the year.

This looks lovely if you double click to enlarge it.

I saw Pussy Willows. My sister "stocks up" on these in Spring. She fills her coat pockets with them so that she can tickle her face with them throughout the year!! - we put this strange behaviour down to the fact that she didn't have a dummy when she was a baby!

The daffodils are almost out!! - well it is the frozen north!

and finally - and the most exciting by far, (the young man could not believe how giddy this made me) FROGS SPAWN!!!!!!! This takes me right back to being 5 years old and having jars full of it on the back window ledge and on the nature table at school.

All in all a fabulous Sunday walk. You would never think that this was Barnsley would you?


Viv Wild said...

Where was the frog spawn? I have been eagerly watching our pond for days and no sign yet of any


Diane said...

The forgs spawn was in the Serpantine Lake on the estate - I was suprised to see it as I thought it would be much later this year with it being so cold.

lesley said...

What a glorious day we've had!
How lovely to wander around with the lambs, I adore them.
We don't have any frog spawn in the pond either...I wonder why?
In the summer the frogs come up to the back door & sit under the decking to warm up, roll on more warm days.

Twiggy said...

Fantastic pics,hasn't the weather been lovely today. I have been badgering Mr Twigs about going to Wentworth Castle for years, we MUST it looks fab. It's not that far from us either. I'll show him your photies, that should convince him
twiggy x

Lyn said...

what a lovely day you have and the prospect of returning throughout the seasons.
I too have photographed the frogspawn today, they were making an awful racket throughout the night!

andamento said...

Beautiful blue skies! Looks a great place to visit through the year.

I've still to see lambs here yet and your daffodils are further on than any here yet too!

Kathy said...

What a lovely day - and I think spring has finally sprung. We had bright blue sky here too today. I'm dying to get out on a long springtime walk but we've had other commitments this weekend. I haven't seen any lambs yet.
I hope next weekend is just as good.
Love Kathy xxx

Lisa said...

Wasn't it great to see the sun today!
Lovely photos, I'm sure you'll more than get your money's worth from that season ticket.
Hope you have a good week too!
Lisa x

menopausalmusing said...

What a place, what a day out, and I look forward to seeing more once you start using that season ticket!

Rosie said...

That's another place on my list of 'must visits' - looks wonderful! Our frogs are frolicking and making lots of noise but no signs of any frog spawn yet although we saw some in the pond at Bridgemere gardens last week.

Selfsewn said...

I was really chuffed pulling your name out too!!

I have rewritten the post go and see.

Clare xx

Michela said...

..Quand on va lire ton blog en Français? Je rigole :P

P.S.About your message..what have you been up to my crazy penpal???

Marie said...

Looks brilliant, i can see why you bought a season ticket. You can let us see it through the seasons now, spring is certainly looking very good!

harmony and rosie said...

Its a stunning house. You're so lucky having all that on your doorstep. Haven't seen frogspawn in years, that would certainly get the children excited!

Kate x

The Girl said...

Hurray for all the signs for spring, including the gorgeous weather!

Love the lamb photo, it's like you posed them for that shot!

The Curious Cat said...

what a lovely walk and trip! I love the little lamb and the frog spawn! Signs of new life...and the pussy willows - I think I am in agreement with your sister - they feel so nice to touch!!! I love stately homes...if I could drive properly I think I'd get out and visit more! xxx

Anonymous said...

what a magnificent place and glorious photographs!

Nishant said...

I have been eagerly watching our pond for days and no sign yet of any
data entry india

WCG said...

Only just come across your thread, and what a lovely write-up - thank you. So glad you enjoyed your day with us, and with your season ticket, I do hope you have enjoyed many more since, perhaps even attending some of our events? Do keep in touch. Kind regards. The Wentworth Castle Gardens team