Saturday 10 July 2010

Summer breeze - makes me feel fine...

I am loving this hot summer - after the last three rainy ones, I am living outside morning through to late evening (except for work hours obviously). I am enjoying breakfast in my garden, and a late night glass of something with ice - when the honeysuckle smells so sweet.

I have to say though that peri menopausal hot flushes in the middle of a heatwave are interesting - they have you seeking out the slightest breeze!

I hope you are enjoying your weekend and not doing anything too strenuous. xxx


A Farmers Wife said...

Oh that looks serene. I love it too, just wish i had someone to share it with in the evenings, a farmer boyfriend means no boyfriend during may june july august and september..sob!

Lalabibaby @ Dreaming of The Simple Life said...

I'm with you on the hot flushes .... I feel like I am boiling up inside .... phew !!!

Lyn said...

thank you for the mags, they arrived this morning with your lovely card. Sorry can't email you as I can't get onto our mail!
I am under house arrest, NO walking outside so I sit either in the chair or on the sofa with windows open enjoying the summer breeze (...makes me feel fine...!)Getting better everyday as they say, will be in touch soon.

Jen Walshaw said...

I love your selection of tea lights and candles. I call them my mediterain momemnts

Rebecca said...

oh what lovely pictures, your garden looks so relaxing and magical! I love spending time outside when the weather is so nice x

menopausalmusing said...

I am another one who loves nightlights and candles outside...... Lovely. :O)

harmony and rosie said...

oooh, dead continental! Sorry to hear you're flushing, it's hot enough already you poor thing, are you on the sage tea? Nice runner beans I can see, much bigger than mine! x

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Nice angle on the picnic table picture! Great shot!

Strange but true: we bought a hot tub when I was "flashing" a few years ago! What?? Nutty decision...we sold that house and moved, and believe me, I didn't miss that hot tub. Really bad timing on that purchase! lol

A garden just outside Venice said...

Are you having 39°C like we had yesterday here??? I hope you do not have any mosquito bothering your relax! xxxx

Rosie said...

I love all your candles and lanterns - how lovely to sit by those on a summer evening. We sat out until after 9 o'clock last night - the evening light on the plants in the garden made the colours so vibrant:)

andamento said...

Ahhhh, that looks so nice. Nothing but rain here all day long for the past few days, not exactly warm either.
Lovely candle collection and I like your little wire tray too.

noelle said...

cooler here the past few days , much nicer! rain last night and cool again today, glad of it i can tell ya!!

Annette said...

Breakfast in the garden sounds so serene and heavenly. I love the candles set out on the table!