Sunday 16 January 2011

Feed the birds...........

...for just slightly more than tuppance a bag.

I took some old lard that I fund lurking in the fridge and melted it, then added some bird seeds and some sunflower seeds from my summer sunflowers. Mix well and wait until it sets. At this stage, the kids were worried as they thought I was trying out a new recipe!

Then re-using the bag that held the Babybel cheeses,
stuff the mixture in and hang out for the birds to enjoy.


Living the frugal life in France said...

Excellent idea. I can imagine your two thinking you were trying out a new dinner.
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I would just enjoy the peace and quiet and being able to watch what you want on tele. When we found ourselves in the same situation it was like being back to 'before kids'

Lalabibaby @ Dreaming of The Simple Life said...

What a brilliant way of re-using those Babybel bags .... your garden birds will be in heaven. We have the fattest wood pigeons come down in our garden due to the fact that my OH puts out all is used birdseed from the breeding shed for them. They are enormous!

Diane said...

I have been mixing food the same way but as we do not eat baby bel I have not got the luxuary of a bag! Diane

Molly said...

What a brilliant idea!

Vintage Tea Time said...

Good idea. There's a 'posh' version in this month's Country Homes and Interiors - you put the melted mix in a heart-shaped (the significance of that has only just struck me!!) tin to set, then poke a hole in it and thread ribbon /string to tie it up.

cieldequimper said...

Do you sell them for tuppence?!

I was a fan of Blue Peter when I was a child in London. One day they showed this and I got Mum to help me. We've never stopped doing it yet!

Lyn said...

good idea diane, and it saves a bit of money as fat cakes are so expensive in the shops!

jennyfreckles said...

The birds will be glad of that -it's been a tough time for them. It must work out a lot cheaper than buying those fat balls in the stores.

menopausalmusing said...

Don't they just love these? We do it here too and they eat us out of house and home, but so lovely to sit and watch the birds.

Janet said...

Brilliant idea Diane- that looks much more inviting than the fat balls that you can buy -lucky birdies !

home made gorgeous said...

Brilliant idea! I bet the birds loved that... Sarah x

Colette said...

I'd have been mighty tempted to put it in front of my to just too see the teenage reaction. Hope you had a lovely weekend.

Colette x

Rosie said...

Great idea for using up all your left over scraps! I was watching them making fat cakes for the birds on Halcyon River diaries over the holidays. I bet the birds will love it - get your camera out! It's the RSPB big garden watch the weekend after next - I've already registered to do it:)

Jo said...

A great idea to make your own, suet blocks are so expensive in the shops. Be careful with the bag it's put in though, the RSPB recommend not using mesh bags as birds feet can get stuck in them and they can't escape. How about spooning the mixture in to something like a yoghurt pot and threading a string through? Even those fat balls which are put in mesh should be taken out for the same reason.

Petit Filoux said...

I can't wait to have a garden just so I can make things to feed the local birds!!

The Curious Cat said...

That is a lovely idea! Do birds like lard though? I've got a little bird obsession going on at the mo - will be revealed soon in a blog post I hope! xxx

*❀* said...

lucky birdies!

noelle said...

Best fed birds around i should think!!