Its been a slow news week here at
Heartshaped Towers. Nothing much happening other than the run of the mill housework, working, and taxi driving the teens around.
I know that we are still
technically in winter, but the sub tropical temperature (well, its not freezing!) and the sun out when I got home from work, sent me rummaging around the garden to see whats happening there.
Its always great to find the snow drops pushing their noses through.

And the winter flowering Jasmine is providing some much needed colour.

This is a bit of a
surprise - I planted a few odds and ends that my neighbour donated to me at the end of the summer, I presume that this was amongst it. I have no idea what it is.

My favourite, couldn't be without herb - my Bay Tree. I use it all year around and never cook a chicken without it.

And a bit of digging revealed the f
irst of the Christmas Roses - almost opened. Beautiful.

And I noticed that the Witch Hazel called "Diane" that I planted last year has catkins on her.

I had to look hard, but she was
revealing a little colour.

And my favourite winter plant, "Christmas Box". Half in berry and almost half in (very fragrant) bloom.

You have to look a lot closer, but any time in the garden is precious at this time of year.
It is lovely to see new flowers coming to life. I wish we could plant in our garden but with 2 puppies and 3 cats it is almost impossible! Nothing survives!
I've noticed little signs of life in the garden too especially the snowdrops which are showing some white in a few cases. There are flowers on the winter jasmine and on a winter flowering clematis which strictly speaking belongs to my neighbour but flowers on my side of the fence:) It's lovely to see these encouraging signs even though we know thater's a good way to go yet before winter is past.
I got given a witch hazel for my birthday this year and it's got catkins on her too. I love plants with winter colour, my house has an old wall in the front garden which already had winter jasmine growing on it when I moved in 15 years ago, and it's so cheerful on grey, gloomy days.
Before Christmas, I don't mind the garden being dormant as you tend to focus on Christmas things, but now it's time to start looking outdoors again and it's nice to see things are waking up.
Believe it or not Mum had a snowdrop blooming at the beginning of December. How strange is that?
Isn't it just so wonderful to know that there's this promise of colourful spring?
Our snow is almost gone and I'm hoping to get out into the garden at the weekend if only to discover a few emerging bulbs. Your are coming along nicely, so much promise, soon be spring.
It's so good to see some signs of Spring pushing through.
Have a fabulous weekend,
Nina x
Oh, you've got quite a bit coming through there! Our Christmas roses are nowhere near as far on - I love them.
Every Winter's end I say, "Should have got a Christmas Box shrub!"
My Sister says they smell wonderful!
Do they grow well from cuttings do you know????
Sandie xx
You have some lovely plants growing - I wish we could grow snowdrops here but they just don't like the wet clay soil. I squelched around the garden today; it all looked very wet and brown but I could see some little green areas which was encouraging and our hazel bush has catkins:)
I feel guilty now... I haven't even ventured out into the garden to have a look. There might be all sorts of wonderful things popping ... but I doubt it. It's still all looking very dismal from my window!
Can't wait for spring!
How lovely to see the first green shoots of the year - I shall be looking closely at my garden this weekend.
It's ben so grey and miserable lately,good to see shoots of new life in the garden. I bought a little cuttings of Christmas box last yearat a fete but it died!
Lisa x
There's definitely signs of Spring in your garden Diane, and it's lovely to see.
Jill x
I love seeing the signs of snowdrops , definately a sign of Spring . Our garden, well , little bit of mud is just grey and brown !!
Lots of promise there of things to come. I've had a bit of a search in my garden but there's no sign of any bulbs pushing through yet.
Our garden suffered a fair bit of damage from the heavy snowfall but the bay tree (like you, I use the leaves a lot in cooking) seems to be unscathed.
Love the Christmas Rose. I bought a little pot of tete a tete yesterday to brighten up my kitchen windowsill. hooray !!
twiggy x
Goodness your garden is coming along well, mine is still fast asleep :-(
You've inspired me to get out & have a good look in my garden tomorrow - thanks
Oh thank you for that wander through your garden! It made my heart sing to see all your signs of Spring and new growth. I've a very small winter jasmine - this is the first year - and I've noticed some tiny flower buds there... very happy :-)
Tomorrow I must go take a look underneath the hellebore leaves too!
Happy weekend,
Denise x
It really does fill you with hope when the first growth pops through. I went into our garden (first time this year!) and saw all sorts of good stuff. Mind you the lawn looks a bit of a mud bath! Happy weekend x
This is a lovely blog site Diane. Your garden is doing very well!
Amazing amount of growth for winter. Sounds like you may have an early spring. It is theraputic exploring the garden isn't it?
I had to dig up both my christmas box and witchhazel to make way for the extension but I am hoping to put them in the new border if they have survived the winter in their pots!
glad spring is springing!
A lot of lovely promises! xxx
you have such a beautiful winter garden, with whispers of sping already appearing. i love the winter jasmin.
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