A brief stroll around my garden this afternoon showed that whilst the much welcome green shoots of Spring are poking their heads out of the very cold earth,

...and buds are appearing on the bushes,

And some flowers are indeed in full bloom,

there have been some casualties from the very cold spell before Christmas. (I cannot live without my Bay tree and to replace it will cost an arm and a leg!)

A gardening expert on radio Sheffield said that the full effect of the cold spell so very early on will not be seen until well into late Summer.
Apparently it was so early that the plants had not gone into "Winter mode" - evidenced by the amount of leaves that were seen on top of the snow (I took loads of photos of this as I had never seen it before). My neighbours Palm tree looks as if it is lost, and all her exotic type plants are very brown and looking as if they will not recover.
A big clear up job looks as if it is on the cards!

I read today that if the skies clear this evening, we may see "The Northern Lights" displayed above our heads here in the UK. We are to have some kind of Solar Storm (which sounds a bit
scary to me!) I shall keep popping out with my camera and fingers crossed as this would save me a fortune as they are on my "to see" list!.
Oh yes, the Northern Lights, thanks for reminding me - must have a look. Lovely pics (as always).
I fear our wonderful 22+ year old palm is a casualty. Lost every single leaf. It will be difficult to remove it (over 7' tall with paving around it) so will put some climbers in to try to turn this disaster into an opportunity.
Couple of hebes are looking a bit sad too.
Carol xx
Solar storms are common, it's just at the moment the sun is waking up again after a period of low activity so there are some big ones expected - that could cause havoc with things such as GPS!
I'm excited at the potential to see the aurora but I don't think it's going to be clear :(
One day I hope to go to Iceland or Denmark or somewhere to see them properly! Good luck spotting them tonight!
I think my Rosemary bush has had it! It is brown down one side. I will look out for the Northern Lights tonight. It is almost a full moon so hopefully they sky will be lit up! x
It's took me 2 weeks of hard graft to tidy up my garden but I must say It's very satisfing when It's done, good luck with the the northren lights looking forward to seeing the pictures.
I hope that my Bay tree in France is OK, they have also had very cold winter!! Diane
Hoping that we don't have anymore snow to destroy the new growth that is popping up. If by palms you ladies mean cordylines that have grown into trees please don't chop them down yet. After last years snow mine lost all of its crowning glory and then I read an article by Monty Don who said they will sprout again. He wasn't wrong I have loads of new crowns sprouting around the base and once they are established the main trunk can be reduced.
Such a shame. I'm sure the garden centres are going to be quids in this year from people replacing plants which have been lost. There's lots of promise of things to come in your garden though.
We've had to replace quite a few heather plants and we have three other trees that I've a feeling have been lost. Good luck with the Northern Lights - half an hour ago I could see the moon but now it has clouded over! s solar storm does sound a bit scary:)
I would love to see the Northern Lights - am hoping that bloggers in the right area will be camped outside all night just to take photos for us softy southerner types ;)
I think my garden did ok over the winter - we seemed to escape the worse of the snow here in Suffolk.
Popping out now to see if I can see any thing-? lost loads of plants this year due to the frost-good job I took loads of cuttings !
I don't think I've lost all that much in the garden over the winter, maybe a couple of things neither of which are crucial to my happiness:)
I thought the Aurora Borealis would only be visible in Scotland, must keep an eye on the sky tonight though I don't think the forecast is too good.
Will be sky checking later Nellie is quite excited by the possibilities she is a bit of a star gazer doing GCSE Astronomy. I have lost all the lavenders in my garden a shame but I will be able to replace them. Hopefully everything looks ok although its very dingy, wet, gloomy looking at the moment. TTFN. Debs X
Have lost my beloved Bay trees too, they are looking very sad. I had nurtured them for years and they were at their best last summer after several feeds of epson salts.
Seeing the Northern Lights would cheer me up no end though.
The Northern lights ? How wonderful my dream to see them.
There is a self seeded bay tree in the field behind us .... I shall go & help myself to a few leaves ! ( or dig it up ! )
We lost our Bay tree last year in the cold........ I had spent years training it into a "standard" shape..... if I ever get another one I shall cover it with that funny fleece stuff you can get for over winter. Heartbreaking, but that is nature for you. Hope you get to see the Northern Lights.
too cloudy here Diane!
I keep walking up the garden, getting depressed and shaking my head and walking back down again, we have lost so much and things need really clearing out!
much rather stay in and read blogs!
Diane, I am so hoping that you see the Northern Lights in the next few days... I know that you will have your camera ready!
Poor plants, poor gardeners. Hope you don't lose too many. Thats exciting for you to be able to see the lights. I hope it all happens for you
My bay tree's gone like that as well. I'm going to prune it hard back and see if it puts any new shoots out.
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