Saturday 12 November 2011

A breath of fresh air

I was thrilled to see the sunshine this morning, and quickly made plans to head on out. We couldn't go far, so a walk around the nearby garden centre and the estate village of Wentworth fitted the bill perfectly.

My garden is very lacking in colour at the moment, I need to plan in some winter colour like these fabulous stems.

Wentworth village is made up of estate cottages and farms that were once used by workers from Wentworth Woodhouse - home of the Fitzwilliams.
The houses, farms and pubs still belong to the Fitzwilliam Estate, and are well kept. Come for a wander with me.

This Red Admiral was causing a stir - no one quite expected to see it on a November day, but it was really mild.

(Sorry about the duplicate, but blogger would not delete it!!)

Every tree bearing berries was laden - sign of a harsh winter to come!
The estate office has had renovation work on it and now looks lovely again. It would make a fabulous home with lovely gardens.

These were the old kennels where the hunting dogs were kept.
There are lots of unusual little homes dotted around.

Too soon it was time to head back home. I feel a bit caged at this time of year as I really am an outdoorsy type. At least the good weather was saved for the weekend for a change!


two bones and a bagle said...

We had a lovely walk down the canal today - breath in breath out - fresh air really does do you the world of good.

andamento said...

I enjoyed your photos, it looks like a great place to visit with a camera. I don't think I've seen a butterfly in November before, but as you say it is a very mild November this year (so far!)

Jill said...

What lovely photographs, I enjoyed that walk with you, thanks.

Hugs Jill xx

Laura said...

Love the round house! Thanks for taking us on your day out! Lx

Nic B said...

Love Wentworth, went in half term with the kids (for my birthday) walked the back path from the church to the garden fantastic is that place now!!?
Always worth a visit!

two bones and a bagle said...

Hi it was the Infants I am back again on 29 Nov just for morning. Kev just said 'tell Diane to take the dog and forget us' but he was only joking of course. Would love to meet up. I have had a butterfly in my garden this month too.

Rowan said...

Wentworth Woodhouse is such a lovely place, I really must come over one day and get you to show me around.

Rosie said...

Wasn't it great to see the sun today? Wentworth Woodhouse always looks so lovely and like Rowan I must get to visit one day. Those red stems are a wonderful colour:)

**Anne** said...

How lovely for you to get out in the sunshine and have a lovely walk. I love the photo of the church and the berries. Just gorgeous.
Thanks for sharing,
Anne xx

Mary Ann Tate said...

Lovely visual tour. Thank you:)

Lyn said...

I went for a stroll around Oldham this morning but sat at home this afternoon just moving 'stuff' from one place to the next thinking about my Christmas List!!! such a waste of a lovely day!
I love the round building was it a windmill once?

ChrisJ said...

Wouldn't it be fun to live in that round house? Such a nice visit to Wentworth. Thank you.

Elderberry-Rob said...

What a pretty village, the round house looks like an interesting place and the last picture, of the trees (my favourite subject) is beautiful. Betty

petals and vintage said...

Thanks for the tour. Just lovely. x

Riddlers cottage flowers said...

Oh what a lovely post.Lesley x

Lisa said...

Lovely outdoorsy post and photos, esp that last one of the line of trees.
Good luck for your fair next week.
Lisa x

Mister D said...

Lovely autumninal tour and colours - like the unusual red stems too

Homes and Dreams said...

Lovely to see your photos of Wentworth as I'm planning a little trip to the garden center next week!xxx

Jo said...

It's back to being grey and damp here again today. Looks like you grasped the nice weather while it was here. How lovely to live in an old mill, so unusual.

Diane said...

Loved the walk, it is so pretty around you. Now we have many red admirals around here at the moment, and also peacock butterflies, I think they are enjoying the mild weather and the fruit from the medlar tree which is rotting and falling on the the floor. We can only use the fruit from the medlar after the first frost but this year I think it will have dropped before the frost arrives! Also no red berries here because of the earlier drought they have just not formed. Guess I will be feeding the birds! Take care, t'other Diane

The Curious Cat said...

Some gorgeous photography going on here too! :) xxx

A garden just outside Venice said...

Love your surroundings!
I'd suggest you some Pansies for brighten up a bit your garden, they're cheap and do not need any care!