Tuesday 21 February 2012


Before Pixlr

And after

Also - just for clarification - yes I was Chicken Legs at school and "Wombling" refers to the art of finding rubbish and making it into something new - just like the Wombles of Wimbledon Common. Hubby calls me Madam Cholet! xx


Jan said...

I loved the Wombles! Sometimes I still tell my teenagers to have a 'Womble' round the classroom if they've been a bit untidy. Ofcourse it takes some explaining because most of them haven't a clue what I'm going on about!!!!

Rebecca said...

My favourite womble was Orinoco x

Jo said...

I said something to my kids not so long ago about The Wombles and they didn't have a clue what I was on about. You obviously have to be of a certain age.

Mary Ann Tate said...

My kids used to watch that...I loved them too:)

A garden just outside Venice said...

Explanation for Madame Cholet requested too!!! I'm a foreigner after all! :D

Kathy said...

I had a poster of Orinoco above my bed!
Love the effect with Pixlr!

VintageVicki said...

I know about Wombling - one of my favourite childhood programmes :)

Am getting the hang of Pixlr :) Not quite the same as Piknic but a reasonable alternative.

Lyn said...

arhh the Wombles!
Takes me back.
I love Pixlr too, and you introduced me Chicken Legs!

Rebecca said...

ahh, my mum brought me up on the Wombles! Sweet memories x

Mad about Craft said...

I loved the Wombles too!

I am not divulging my nickname, it goes to my grave!!

Lx @ Twelve said...

I still have my wombles album & the 8 year old is working her way through the womble books.
So I think you are very on trend!


Travel With Lulu said...

Wow, I haven't used Pixlr before now. I just gave it a try and it is great! Have you tried Picnik? It is fabulous but soon to go away (and perhaps spring another form?). You will be addicted to it too, if you haven't tried it already :) XOL

HippieGirl said...

What's so wrong about being creative? Look at it that way, :D. Being creative is so much fun!!

Lisa said...

I must make a trip over to that website, looks very interesting. Love the b+w old photos on your latest post, how smart those ladies look for their seaside jaunt.
Lisa x