Sunday 12 May 2013


Earlier this week, when summer was still in full flow(!) hubby and I decided to take advantage of the beautiful evening and walk across the fields behind our house - a walk that we love, and must have done a million times since we moved here over 25 years ago.

 Its a walk that we do when we can't be bothered to drive anywhere, and it always seems "second best", until we get to the top of the hill.  Then we realise that although very familiar, it is a very beautiful walk.
 Our village sits at the bottom of the hill - you can see one of the follies from Wentworth Woodhouse in the distance - Kepple's Column.
 The bluebells are out in abundance now, and are one of my favourite flowers - I think because they are so fleeting, and the colour is so unique.

 But I was even more thrilled to find this meadow absolutely covered in cowslips - such a rarity in the wild these days.  These are all the more special because this site used to be a colliery and this was the old spoil heap.  I remember these a lot from my childhood in a mining village - perhaps there is something about the soil from coal tips.  I once heard that it is the ideal PH for growing grape vines.

I do hope we get more evenings like this - although it isn't looking or feeling promising at the moment!


Jan said...

Ooh... please can we see some pictures of Ashcroft house? That was my maiden name!!!! Jx

andamento said...

Lovely walk and lovely photos. Bluebells are so pretty, ours are almost in flower. Looks like you had great weather too.

Gilly said...

That is a lovely walk, Diane, and you are so lucky to have it right on your doorstep! We have missed our old haunts and walks from the front door when we moved up here!

Cowslips love chalky soil, or anything alkaline, so I guess the spoil heap must be alkaline. We don't get them here at all, as we have an acidic soil, bit peaty.

Can't see you walking anywhere today (Sunday) its wet, wet, wet here!

Lisa said...

The weather has taken a bit of a backward step hasn't it.
Love the carpet of bluebells, we saw something similar n our walk today, they are such a treat.
Full marks to Mr H for his romantic gesture!
Lisa x

jennyfreckles said...

Great that you can enjoy such a lovely walk from your front door. The spring flowers seem to have burst out all of a sudden - wonderful to see bluebells again; I'd wondered if we ever would!

Rosie said...

How lucky you are to have bluebells and cowslips near by and to have such a lovely walk close enough to leave your car behind and just walk. I hope that wasn't summer we had last weekend!:)

forgetmenotsblue said...

Beautiful blue bells and cowslips :)

Lyn said...

Oh lovely post Diane, your photos are beautiful. What a find a meadow full of!

greenthumb said...

Such a pretty place for a walk.

Unknown said...

Those cowslips are beautiful.
What a pretty walk :0)