Tuesday 5 October 2010

Across to Scholes Village

On Monday afternoon, after work, hubby and I decided to walk across to Scholes Village. The village lies in the middle of the Wentworth Estate, and whilst a few new houses have been built, a lot of old farms and cottages remain.

To get to the village, we have to walk across what was once an old colliery. Even though this was mined in my lifetime, not much evidence of a coal mine remains here now.
We couldn't help notice the abundance of nuts ........

and berries

I love the old steps up to a disued orchard.

The very old pear tree was weighed down with this years abundance of fruit.

We turned right half way through the village, by the old Victorian post box.

Amd we walked across the path that the miners would have walked to work on.

The path is lined by very old apple trees.

Hubby couldn't resist a spot of scrumping. I don't know what this variety is, but it was the most delicious apple I have ever tasted. We commented on how apples used to taste like this in the 1960's and were also small like these too.

We turned to walk across the fileds and the old coal tips back to home. Did you know that Rotherham had such gems as this?
If you enlarge this, you can see the huge wall that surrounds Wentworth Woodhouse.

On the old coal tips, we found plenty of Michlemas Daisies

and Rosebay Willow herb - know around these parts as "Muck stack Chrysanthamums". They are as beatiful when dead as they are when they are in bloom.

I am enjoying my late afternoon/early evening walks.


Rebecca said...

Looks like it was a lovely sunny day, I love this time of year x

harmony and rosie said...

That was wonderful, thank you, I don't think I've ever seen so many pears on a tree. Apparently English apples have been the very best this year because of the freezing winter we had. It killed a lot of the bugs off, resulted in a smaller fruit and concentrated the sweetness.

Kate xx

Young at Heart said...

is that sunshine I see?? At least someone's getting some blue sky......very lovely views indeed

Ray+Joan said...

next time you are out walking take a bag with you to collect all that fruit, just think of all the money you will save making jam & fun too love Auntie

Ticking stripes said...

Love that you squeezing that bit extra "day" from your day!

VintageVicki said...

Gorgeous walk on a proper autumn day :)

There are so many berries about this year - think the wildlife are going to be spoilt.

Rebecca said...

what a lovely way to spend an evening x

A garden just outside Venice said...

The abundance of berries was one of the 1st thing I noticed when I came over!

Rosie said...

Everythings looks so lovely in the early evening sun. Isn't it funny how apples never seem to taste the way we remeber them to have tasted years ago. I think I'd have had to have done a bit of scrumping too! Love your local name for rosebay willow herb - I've never heard that before:)

Unknown said...

I loved that evening stroll. I couldn't believe how many pears were on that tree, and those apples looked delicious.

Kathy said...

Thanks for sharing your lovely walk ... there's a huge abundance of nature around us all at this time of the year! So many pears! We couldn't cope with our apples this year ... by far the most we've ever had!
Love kathy xxx

Gilly said...

What a fantastic walk! And aren't there a lot of berries around this year? Hard winter coming??

Did you know Rosebay Willowherb is also called Fireweed? It is one of those plants that love to colonise burnt spaces - London was covered with it after the war!

Lovely photos!

Northern Snippet said...

Fab photos.it's been a very good year for fruit trees must be something to do with the weather.

cottonreel said...

Lovely pictures , the starlings stripped my pear tree--cottonree

jennyfreckles said...

Lovely photos. That late afternoon light is so good. What a harvest of fruit this year. And I like the VR postbox - something of a rarity now.

Twiggy said...

Gorgeous photos.
Twiggy x

periwinkle said...

lovely walk , those steps to a disuesd orchard awesome. One of my dreams was to have an orchard surrounded by an old stone wall :-)

Lyn said...

Your doing well with your walks, my Hubby doesn't get home in time very often for a walk this time of year!
Does all those nuts, berries and hips mean another bad winter I wonder?

andamento said...

Hi Diane,
I did read this post as I remember your husband scrumping but I hadn't consciously remembered the post box, perhaps it had just lodged itself in my subconscious. It is actually rather plain, I rather like the curly flourish of the E VII one. Will have a look now though to see if there are any victorian ones near us...

samuel said...

Hi there,

I would love to know the location of the disused orchard, I've been looking for something like this for ages! I live in Rotherham and have been looking into small scale cider production. Could you email me the location of this please!

Kind Regards,