The park at
Clumber was teeming with Fabulous Fungi. They are having guided walks and photography classes there this week, but as they are all on weekdays, so I shall miss them. I would dearly love to know more about Fungi.
specimen was really as mauve as it looks. Totally beautiful.

I think I must have scared the pixie off! I believe that this type is very poisonous - but brilliant to look at and photograph.

I love discovering fabulous fungi - it is
definitely something I shall learn more about - when I have more time on my hands.
Your photos are lovely. If you are interested, there is a lovely lady Margie in Ontario, Canada who has an amazing blog ( many photos of different fungi she finds on her walks in the forest. She is also into dyeing fabric using natural things like lichen, flowers, bark etc. Her crochet and embroidery work is beautiful, very earthy and raw.
I love her blog, I find it a very peaceful and serene experience to visit.
Have a lovely week,
These are wonderful photo, Diane! Amazing things, aren't they? Pop up overnight and so many varieties! Good post today; makes me want to go take a walk (instead of heading out to watch a soccer tournament...bad grandma, bad, bad grandma!) hehe
Nice pictures Diane.
1. Amethyst Deceiver - Lilac in colour, unpleasant to eat, but not poisonous.
2. Probably Ceasar's Mushroom, if it has yellow gills and stem - Edible. If it has a white stem it is a Sickener, and toxic.
3. Unsure of this one as the stem is not visible, could be a Poison Pie if it smells of radish!
4. Either a rather poor Fly Agaric or a Sickener with a flexed cap - poisonous.
5. Turkey Tails bracket fungus.
6. Urgh! mangled something or other. Could be Honey Fungus.
You can Google the Latin names.
There are so many different varieties around this year - saw loads on our walk yesterday and this morning too - I love to see them. Like you I'd love to learn more -especially about the edible ones that you can pick and cook. Lovely photos! Had to smile re the theatre tickets! I've done similar things with dates and meetings etc:)
Amazing how many varieties there are, and all so different. I wouldn't dare pick wild ones as I'm not at all sure which are good and which are not.
We went for a ramble through Deffer Woods today and saw lots of mushies. we saw a fly agaric which as you say are poisionous - but very pretty. Twiglet pipes up, look at that we musn't touch it, they are VERY poisonous, even though the fairies like them!! So they you go :)
Twiggy x
Wow, Diane, these fungi specimens are are amazing. It would have been great to go on a fungi tour and photography classes. Hope your Sunday is smashing ;o)
fabulous photos
Great photos Diane and some interesting names from Paul! Hope the DQ is feeling better. Had a lovely afternoon on Porthmeor today, took some photos to show, i can never take enough photos of porthmeor! check over at mine , having a giveaway tomorrow!!! x x
Toadstall is lovely, never seen one on my travels xx
great pictures.........have always been a little scared of doing the pick-your-own where fungi is concerned.......
Very interesting, I too would love to pick mushrooms but just don't have the confidence.
there is just something interesting about looking at fungi when your out walking, i took a picture of a lovely little red one the other day.
What great photos, Your lucky to find so many of them!
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