Ive had a busy weekend and have a busy week planned too. Not much time to upload photos, but felt compelled to show you this much coveted item that I spotted this weekend. The chap who owned it worked as a wood turner and on such a warm and sunny Sunday, I really envied his lifestyle. I was also impressed with his array of stainless steel cookware too!

I so could be a gypsy.
I do agree with you. my big dream is to buy a camping car and travel round the coast of France then down into Sapain and maybe even further.
Still just a dream for the time being!!
Would you give up canvas for a caravan?
Lisa x
I don't think I'd like it full time i.e. when it's bloody freezing, but I imagine it'd be wonderful to travel around, seeing new places.
I keep hinting to the other half that we should buy a secondhand tourer - it'd be sooooo much fun. He hasn't warmed to the idea so far though unfortunately - I must work my charms on him :0)
I keep telling my kids that I plan to sell up and either live in a shed of a caravan, the encouraging words of 15 year old son is......
I'd tow it away and set fire to it, I don't want my Mum to be a Hippy.
Maybe, just maybe I'll do what I want one day rather then what everyone thinks I should do!!
Diane as you have seen we just got back from St Ives and I'm as high as a kite!
I could so be a hermit in St Ives!
Clare x
its so different from the mansion on Downton Abbey but I can see you living there, still loving your blog
Isn't that just the cutest little caravan?
oh to pack up your troubles and travel the country :-)
I'm sure I was a gypsy in a previous life ;-)
What a great little caravan - and such a brilliant photo with the dappled sunlight on it. Aaaah a life on the road, eh?
Have a happy week,
Denise x
Oh yes me too, perhaps we could be nieghbours. Thank you for your lovely comment it sure makes my heart glad. Have a great week hugs Pat.
We have a caravan, and I just love staying in it ... it takes us to beautiful parts of the country, and if the weather is bad it really doesn't matter because we are super warm and cosy inside! I would recommend caravanning to everyone who likes being in the countryside.
The plan for retirement is to travel around Europe at our leisure! Can't wait!
Love Kathy xxx
I don't think the other half would - so I guess I'm on my own.
Nina xxx
Oh my! I neeeeeeeed a caravan!!! I love my lovely tent but hate it when we have to pack it all away and forget about it until next Summer. Now if we had a caravan.....x
What a lovely little picture of utter bliss x
I dont thinkg that I could face it during the middle of winter! I am a bit of a wuss!
i have gone upstairs and shoved all my favourite things into a hold-all - get me to that caravan... Mr Darcy....! Helen x
sounds like a very good idea! I'd love a caravan, one day...!
BH x
I dream of taking a camper van right round the Scottish coast and stopping as the fancy takes me, waiting for the light for just that perfect photograph. This little van would tow OK I think.
Me too...I think the simple life would be the best...xxx
I think i could be a summer gypsy, but my caravan would have to be more traditional with a horse of course!!! x x x
Lovely idea when one is young and lithe (like you), full of the joys of spring, etc.! But I don't fancy it now, and certainly not in our wet winters!
Now, a big luxurious caravan in the med - maybe!!
Such an appealing lifestyle!
Gypsy feet here too (13 house moves in 20 years...)
I waste a lot of time lusting after desirable and expensive holiday cottages, but that caravan has great appeal.
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