Ive never walked around the district in Sheffield called
Beauchief (pronounced Bee
chif) before, but inspired by a blog post that
Rowan did a while ago, I decided on a misty Saturday to have a look around. It stands in glorious ancient woodlands above the river Sheaf (where Sheffield gets its name from).
Beauchief is an area that I have raced through many times en route to the Peak District - which is usually where we love to walk. However with day
light hours being very limited, closer to home seems to be a better plan.

Hubby and I had never heard of
Beauchief Abbey and were
surprised to find some of it still standing and being used as a place of worship.

It is currently having renovations done - I am going to return when it is open for a look inside.

Not many leafs are clinging on, but the ones that are brighten up the gloomy day.

The bare trees remind me of
Rob Ryans work.

We took our
ordnance survey map as we were unsure of the way, but the walks are very well signposted.

We were
surprised to happen
upon Beauchief Hall (again I had never heard of it). It stands magnificently, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, but within very easy reach of the city. It was originally a family home, then a boys school, and in recent times has been owned by an IT company for their head office. But it has just been sold and it looks as if it might be made into apartments. It looks gorgeous and is in a stunning location, however I don't know if I would dare live there as it is reputed to be very haunted -
read here! 
I'm glad I made the effort to get out on this misty murky day. Once again I discovered something new on my doorstep.
What an interesting post. The abbey will look wonderful once all the renovations have been done. Great photos. Not sure I would like to live there if it is haunted either:-) Diane
Your autumn photos are wonderful Diane, especially the Rob Ryan style filigree trees :o)
Not long till you get down here is it? Have you got plans?
I need your address too (for Christmas)
Lovely photos- looks like the kind of walk i`d enjoy ! Can`t beat getting those wellies on getting well wrapped up-beats the winter blues ! I`d enjoy a snoop round the haunted house too !
a cuppa and a bit of cake and a brilliant catch up, as usual diane top notch posts. hope the DQ more settled now. we have just pressed the button on the ucas application today......prayer to everything she gets one offer! ella x
Looks like a lovely place to walk. I particularly like the picture of the dark trees against the sky.
Thanks for posting the parkin recipe I will definitely be giving it a go.
Looks an interesting place to walk - the ghostly piano playing sounds very spooky - not sure I'd want to live in the Hall! Love the trees! I'm hoping to go and see the Rob Ryan exhibition in Stafford before Christmas:)
Lovely pics! Looks like a good walk. Rob Ryan's amazing, isn't he?
Hi Diane, I have just checked my followers and you do not appear to be on the list. To win the jewellery you need to be a follower. Plenty of time to join though. Diane
not sure that I would like to live there but it did look a very interesting house.
loved the parkin photo too I could almost smell it mmmmmmmmmmmm,
Another lovely place to visit, thanks for sharing Diane. I vote you and I go for a walk somewhere in January and end up at a tea shop! what do you say?
I enjoyed yet another armchair walk with you, lovely! I really need to get my act together with the smalls..
I'll be in Sheffield next week, Little Miss is in the children's choir for "Joseph" at the Lyceum. V. nervous, for her as she is only 7, and for me, trying to park!!
It's lovely around Beauchief isn't it? I've known the Abbey was there for a long time thanks to a school visit when I was a parent helper many moons ago. I didn't know the Hall was haunted though!
Thanks Diane, just discoveed that this morning you are showing up as a follower. The lack of picture though meant I had to do a bit of Sherlock Holmes!! Hope you win, best of luck. Diane
Thank you for stopping by my blog to say hello- visitors and comments and words of encouragement are always welcome as I`am a bit of a newbie at all of this !Love your blog ! jan x
ps. janprestatyn@hotmail.co.uk
For raffle details !
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