Thursday 25 November 2010


After our walk around the village of Wentworth on Sunday, we headed back home. En route, I decided to try and take photographs directly into the low sunlight. I really like the way that they turned out.

When I retire, I am going to treat myself to a good camera and learn how to use it. I love digital photography. Its a cheap and very interesting hobby. I see the world differently through the camera lens.


Lisa said...

I like that secind one, very atmospheric.
Do you visit ? This is Lou's new blog, she was ludabelle before, she did a photography course last year.
Hope you are all warm and snug up there!
Lisa x

Rosie said...

Wonderful photos, Diane - love the second one with the line of trees and the sky behind:)

Clare said...

Lovely photo's - I love silhouettes, and also black and white.

Cybèle said...

My favourite is the last one. I know what you mean about photography - although photos never come out as you see the world, or rather, they don't in my case! but by just regularly taking photos you can come up with some really nice things.
Does that make any sense at all - I have a head full of cold...

Vintage Tea Time said...

Lovely photos. Very atmospheric. I think you've got a good eye :)

Scented Sweetpeas said...

Lovely photos :-) Do you find yourself winking to see what something would look like through a lense or is that just bonkers me :-)

noelle said...

Good idea, you do take rather lovely photos Diane. Have you got lots of snow, it snowed here but didnt stick,humph, i want snow!!!!

Twiggy said...

Love the second photo, so pretty.
Twiggy x

Ray+Joan said...

you take great photos Diane its not the camera its the person behind it thats counts

Marie said...

Ditto the previous poster. It's what you see and seizing the moment you see it that makes a great photo :-)

Gilly said...

Those are lovely, Diane - I love winter trees against the skies - they are all so different.