I had a very busy Sunday planned - lots to do, but was almost thwarted when I discovered "Pride & Prejudice" the tv series featuring Colin Firth was being shown back to back on "Yesterday" channel first thing in the morning.
However, I still managed to turn a bag of these - 29p(??!! - who decides the pricing policy?) for a full carrier bag from the garden centre....

into these.
Green Tomato chutney with ginger and
chili added - just to spice it up a bit.

And this - bargain at 30p (from my special shop and its not Waitrose)........

Delia's Chicken Liver Pate.
Totally delicious. You'll never buy Pate again if you make your own. I used red wine instead of brandy.

And with help from this - much cheaper (and easier to use)than Farrow & Ball

I turned this - used to be in my daughters bedroom but has been in the garage for the last 7 years, unloved and battered .......

into this - now destined for my bedroom I think.

But I
didn't get time to turn this - a bargain at only £3 from John Lewis, and
there's plenty of it
- into cushion covers. So I'll have to make time later on.

After all - when Mr Darcy comes calling one has to make the most!
Ahhh, Colin Firth as Mr Darcy...how could you resist. He will be my favourite Mr Darcy of all time. Dark, brooding, handsome, nothing more needs to be said.
Your tomato chutney sounds and looks divine and I think the chest of drawers looks fantastic with your makeover.
Looking forward to seeing the cushion covers.
Anne xx
that was the best pride and prejudice in my humble opinion.you have been busy, I like the chest of drawers x
Clever makeover! Well done you!
Oh and Colin Firth is such a lovely English chap, isn't he?! :-)
Heavens, you had a busy day! And such good results! Love the chest of drawers! And the chutney looks yummy. The material is beautiful - will make gorgeous cushions. You do realise that Colin Firth is actually mine, don't you ;)
..Oh dear! I hope we won't pull our hair for Mr.Darcy! Ha ha ha..is there any priority for foreigners?! :)
Gosh you put me to shame! There I was trying to swan round the country (you note I say trying) and you were beavering away! The results look so good and I quite envy you your chest of drawers. They do look good.
'Sigh!' - we found the end of P&P when looking for Industrial Revelations with Mark 'Mr Weasly' Williams. It was lovely to see it again - especially Mr Firth:) How on earth did you pack in all that work as well as watching all those episodes? Everything looks lovely:)
Oh I love everything! espeialy the draws & fabric :)
Oh,sorry for all the English roses out there...but there's nothing to do with Latin charm, HA HA HAAAAAA :-P
Diane..today I'm wearing Dior Homme Sport perfume, hoping that Mr Jude Law will materialize on my way..coz he's not married yet, right???!!!
I wan to come shopping with you!! What amazing bargains
I worked on Saturday and set up some of the oldies in front of it - just in time to watch Mr Darcy coming round the corner in his wet shirt. Oh my God!!
Goodness, you busy bee, I've never made pate before, but might have a go as we love the stuff!! I have insisted we keep our old video recorder as I have the BBC video set of P & P from when it was on TV oh Mr Darcy - swoon!!
Twiggy x
Wow the drawers look fantastic! No other Darcy matches up to Colin Firth. x
Phew! BBC P&P is the best. Tomato chutney looks yummy but really like the look of that pate. Wish I had a chest of drawers like that hidden in my garage (might help if I had a garage to start off with!)
Oh, BTW I think you may be getting me muddled with Marie, I don't have any paid employment - my bass playing is just for fun (though I should be getting a little something for the gigs this week)
Mind blowing bargains: love that bottom fabric and the chutney sounds wonderful! :O)
Wow - you have been busy and all those bargains...that naughty Mr Darcy.
Nina xxx
Jess & I were glued to the TV when we saw P & P was on - what a classic ! It sparked a conversation about what was Darcy's Christian name ... I was suggesting Cedric, Singeon, Frank ?
We googled it - There is some evidence that it is Fitz William or George.
Anyway, I don't care what his name is - Colin Firth nailed the peformance for me - sigh ! Oh ! Mr Darcy !
Great fabric x
I had a crush on Colin Firth in P&P! I probably still do! :-)
You managed to do all that? Hmmmm... I'm envious, it all looks so good.
I reckon Mr Darcy loves a capable lady! Helen
oh my.....how fabulously productive!! I saw that show when I was in NY and fell totally for Mr. Firth thinking I'd made a new discovery, totally unaware of the hullabaloo he'd caused back home........ imagine my shock horror when I confided my love of Darcy to an English friend.......
You were a busy bee!
Oh Mr Darcy, be still my beating heart, she says all of a flutter hiding coquettishly behind her fan!
Lisa x
Hi Diane
Delighted you found my blog! And now I've found yours!-am loving it and especially your last thrifty post-there's nothing like the feeling of making something yourself out of not very much! Oh and I agree re Mr Darcy too-I have the box set of the TV series!!
How on earth did you manage to cram all that in? As for Colin Firth, he is the best Mr Darcy ever.
when I was a ward manager at the Northern General
chris walked onto my ward after a riding lesson
he walked up to the nursing station in his jodhpurs
and one nurse called alexa looked him up and down and purred
"mr darcy...your britches are MAGNIFICENT!
loved the chest of drawers &fabric wished I lived nearer to you I,ld have so much fun with you but then we can,t have it all
LOVING John's comment !
Wow someone's been busy!!!! Can't believe you got those tomatoes for that price, that's criminal!!
After trying to stuff green tomatoes into any stew and curry, I also made the green tomato chutney with garlic and chilli. It is actually quite light and very tasty!
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