Wednesday 1 February 2012

No more Mrs Nice Guy

We in Sheffield have been horrified lately by the news that the Sheffield Museums have lost all of their Arts Council funding. This is on top of losing a fair bit of council funding also. The more I look into this, the more it makes my blood boil. When I clicked onto the website for the Arts Council Yorkshire region and clicked onto each board member, none of them represent South Yorkshire. Plenty from Leeds and others from West Yorkshire, some from East Yorkshire and some from North Yorkshire - so South Yorkshire does not seem to be fairly represented from the start!

We are used to being sold down the river in South Yorkshire. We get the rug pulled from under our feet on a regular basis, but we don't go down without a fight. A mass picnic is being organised around the millenium galleries by a certain faction of the South Yorkshire Popular Front so I'll let you have more details of this as and when I have more info. I hope to see you there if you are local, and if you can help in any way shape or form - please do. I love a Sunday morning at the museum and if we don't make a stand and use them, then I'm afraid we will lose them.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with that! I joined the fight to save our local library and it worked so I hope that you all succeed.

Shortbread and Ginger said...

Museum, especially local ones are so important - glad something is being to to show public support. Good luck! I'm always amazed at the weird and crazy projects that do receive funding while important things like heritage are just ignored.
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

Rosie said...

As you know I worked in Museums for nearly 30 years so I'm always concerned about their well being. We have also lost that funding here in Stoke where we were already struggling to keep Museums running two of our smaller ones are threatened with sale to private companies and the cafes at both our bigger ones are under threat one closed already due to Council funding policies. This coupled with the recent court ruling that the collection from the Wedgwood Museum can be sold off to help cover the pension deficit is all very worrying. I see from the local news that Coventry have also lost their funding. Good luck with your proposed meeting - I'm going to see if anything like that is happening here:)

two bones and a bagle said...

I heard about this on Radio 4 - I will join you for a picnic. The museums in Sheffield are fab and I have used them since being a little girl. Debs X

Diane said...

Our council used to waste money all over on things that were not necessary. I am not impressed with them at all!! Diane

Anonymous said...

Fight the good Fight!!!! I also helped (save) a library in Oregon...Raise your voice in a kind way and help Peace from Alabama USA

Sandies' Patch said...

It's not lovingly called, " The People's Republic of South Yorkshire" for nothing!
Go get 'em girl!

Sandie xx

HippieGirl said...

Hey, just curious: is this museum an art museum or just like a regular history museum? Just curious. That's kinda sad they don't have money for the museum. I hope something good comes out of this.

Carol said...

Well said Diane, South Yorkshire always gets the thin edge.

Carol xx

John Going Gently said...

...don't getme started.......
ps couldn't resist another comment on your previous post

Lisa said...

If I was local I'd definitely be there. Good luck with the protest picnic, hope it works. Power to the people!
Lisa x