1. Prunes (I'd love to see the look on Lisa's face over at Jumble & Jelly!!)
I came back from France a couple of years ago with a love of all things Prune. Why are they so out of fashion here? I am addicted to Activia with Prunes and my favorite dessert is "Far Breton" which is a sweet kind of Yorkshire pudding with Prunes - divine with clotted cream.
3. My sewing machine - I saved up my first wages to buy this and its still going strong - my grandad contributed a bit to it too (he bought my brother a car!!!). It has however been my faithful companion, and earned me a few bob when I was skint. I used to make all my own clothing (when you could get decent fabric and it was cheaper to make your own) and all my own curtains and cushions etc. I call it my Playstation.
4. Sea Glass - I love it, I have tons of it. This jarful is displayed in my bathroom. It's even more precious when the piece is heart shaped! I particularly love the colour of "Bombay Sapphire" sea glass but I'm not so keen on the type that comes from "Newcastle Brown" - you see I am a conniseur!
5. A cool spot on my pillow - when I get an attack of the "vapours " in the night. If I can find a cool spot - I am in heaven!! I am thinking of investing in a "Chillow" . This apparently makes your pillow permanently cool. Has anyone used one?
6. Silence. I love music - anything from classic, pop, rock, metal (hubby's influence) etc etc. But best of all - because it doesn't happen all that much - I love the sound of silence.
There you go - 6 more rattled off and no sign of a cleaning product!!!(Michela!!) I just don't have a favorite cleaning product - but I would put a cleaning lady/gent on my list of faves if I had one!!
The arm is still as painful today, but I have got a bit more movement in it this evening. I have been very alarmed to read how long these things can take to heal, and a lady at the young mans cricket match at the weekend (who kindly gave me a lift as I couldn't drive) said that hers took 2 years to get back to normal!! I was panicking when I thought she was going to say 2 weeks!! Oh well - the family will be proficient in house management by the end of 2 years!! The young man couldn't believe how difficult it was to put pillowcases on pillows!!
Hi Diane, sorry to hear about your arm, sounds painful. But i see it hasn't stopped you blogging. Me thinks you a bit of an addict now, yes? Heres hoping you are getting plenty of help around the house, well maybe just a bit! hoping you make a quick recovery :) x x
Just take it easy, Jasper came back from cadet came and loaded the washing machine!!!! And put it on!!!! Ok so there was lots of camo clolour clothes along with lovely white sock but it was a start!!
Hi Diane,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Love the ‘moo cow’ further down your blog – wondered whether I was the only 49 year old who called them moo cows!!! Sorry to hear about you arm:0)
Now this will surprise you, I like prunes too! And you only need to eat a few for them to count as your one of your 5 a day, bonus!
Pleased to hear you have a bit more movement in your arm, but don't go over doing it.
Take care
Lisa xx
Lovely Hollyhocks!
I've popped you an email..
Hope the arm gets well soon.
The Uni buildings look fantastic.
Can't believe you'll have your Christmas pressies by the end of September!! I haven't even thought about it by then.
Jo xx
Good to see you posting - hope the arm doesn't get too painful. I'm another prune lover - like you love the Far Breton flan - we haven't been for a few years but I used to bring home the packet mixes for Flan and put prunes in it, later I dared to try to make one from scratch - never tastes the same as in France. Tins of Agen prunes - Wonderful:) Your Hollyhocks are so pretty - remindes me of my grandmother's garden:)
Like the sound of the 'chillow' Will investigate on line now.
Wish you well.
Your prune comment made we laugh. I adore prunes too and when we went to visit family last weekend I took a chocolate and prune souffle I'd made, which really was delicious. You should have seen the faces, I should never have told them what was in it, three days later they were still moaning about it.
Can't say I agree on the prunes but I adore your sea glass, it looks wonderful in that jar :)
Mel xxx
Yes, yes! Ok so you had already done the 6 unimportant things but just could'nt wait to see if you named any cleaning products in there and no, you haven't so get Micheala round with hers!
Hope your arm is better sooooooon!
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