Today, I caught the tram into Sheffield

hopped off outside the Henderson Relish factory - if you don't know Henderson's Relish, its a relish that Sheffield folk are very proud of. I have seen ex-pats in
Asda stocking up on this before they fly back to their new corner of the world!!

I also found some artwork featuring the
afore mentioned relish!! I wouldn't mind this in my kitchen!

I was up near the University to look at an Art Exhibition, featuring
Bloggers own Ms Julia
Crossland!! (I
didn't see Julia, I hoped that I would). The art was out of this world. Sheffield has an
awesome and very diverse art scene. This is something that I would not normally have done with a day off on my own - I love the way blogging is broadening my horizons.

Some of the newer University
buildings are amazing. They also light them up in spectacular colours in the evening.

This one is where the music department is situated - my
photo doesn't do it justice. I understand that it is up for an
architectural award.

couldn't resist showing you where I was born - the old
Jessops Hospital for Women - empty now I'm afraid.

I walked back into town down West
Street and then
Division street - home to some great little individual shops. This one sells vintage jewellery.

They have made a lovely modern garden on Division street.

The flowers were all full of bees. I heard this week that bees like blue flowers best - something to do with how they see.

I then called in John Lewis and was seduced by the wool sale!!! And then, TKMaxx called and I bought a load of Christmas presents in the sale!!!! They had Cath Kidston goodies in today for all you CK fans - and at a more "sensible" price!! Did I tell you that I like to have my Christmas shopping almost done by the start of September - at the latest!!?
how cultured!
The building where you were born is very pretty, I do like modern architechture but they don't make them like that anymore!
I plan to pop over to Sheffield during my Summer holiday in August. I want to visit the Winter Gardens again.
Maybe we should meet up for coffee?
Sounds like a lovely relaxed sort of day. I'm a smiling to my self thinking of bees wearing glassed looking for the blue flowers. What wool did you buy?
Hi Diane, I like the building in with the different tonal variations around the windows; it’s very effective. It is good to see people appreciating modern architecture more now. I’m not saying it’s all good, far from it, but there certainly are quite a few worthy of not and you seem to have found some of these on your adventure. You are a woman after my own heart in your Christmas organisational skills. When we went back to Australia for a visit at Christmas time I left birthday, Easter and Christmas presents for seven little munchkins for the next three years. That was a trolley load and a half I might say.
Hi Diane!
..your poor hubby is working and you don't get bored I see.. ;)
He was really kind to give you a heartshaped crisp :) ..but how can you find hearts everywhere? It's so romantic!
Christmas shopping??? A race against time just 2 days before!!!
Have a relaxing weekend!
Just my kind of day - sounds lovely a tram ride, art, architecture, gardens and a bit of shopping! Every time we come over your side of the Pennines to visit family at Chesterfield I think I must buy some Henderson's relish and always forget, must put a knot in my hankie to remind me next time:)
What a great day you had. Great architecture.
I would be so happy in that vintage jewellery shop. I'm so glad to know another all year Christmas shopper, I've gathered quite a few bits already too although my shopping won't be done by September.
Im very happy that you made it to the show and that you enjoyed yourself! We popped along friday night with my folks and I was as impressed as you were with alot of what was on show! Did you perchance see my neighbour, he had a stand on the edge, Chris Pollard - he paints on silk and does all the beautiful pictures of Derbyshire, a very talented guy.
Its the Craft Candy fair next week at the Millenium Galleries, so maybe if you are in the city I might get to see you there? Sorry I missed you, would have been nice to bump into you!
Sending love, glad you enjoyed your day and love the photos too.
Julia xxx
Tried to email you but it would not have it.
Email what date in last two woeeks of August we can meet up in Sheffield-
I will delete this post after you have made a note of email address.
Blogging has enlarged MY world, too - through YOUR eyes. Sure wish I could just pop over there! It looks so very interesting. The old architecture is what attracts me in this post. (I also have a heart-shaped rock collection. Not as large as yours probably - I think maybe 15-20 stones.)
I'm cutting some pictures from my Country Living magazine and saving some recipes..I was wondering if you read it or not, and eventually if you'd like to receive these recipe.. ;)
Well, I have to say, Sheffield looks really good through your camera lens! That Uni building with the "woven" frontage is amazing!
Interesting about blue fowers - our catmint is usually full of bees. Fewer this year, and the rain squashed it flat last night, but it will perk up again.
Must find more blue fowers......
Ooh interesting pics, I've never been to Sheffield. The university buildings are very cool. I didn't know about the blue flowers, though I know bees love lavender (well it's almost blue!).
Mel xxx
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