Thursday 30 July 2009

Ive found you some...........

sunshine!!!!!! We have had the most threatening skies, and lashings of rain all day, but as soon as I stepped out of the office and headed home - the sun came out!!! It was waiting for me!! So off we went for a walk, do come with me.
Look at the sunny reflection on the lake - can you see the bull rushes?

The overspill was pouring - no wonder!! The weatherman said last night, that the reason they predicted a better summer was because there has only ever been 2 instances in the past (since records begun obviously) that we have had 3 rainy summers on the trot. He said the good news was that we have never had 4!! So they will undoubtedly be moving the "Barbecue Summer" to 2010.
Anyway, the baby ducklings were enjoying a splash. They moved so quickly I couldn't get them all on!
Is it just me who wants to go where I shouldn't?
The corn fields have turned to gold - I'm always reminded of Stings "Fields of Gold" I love Mr Sting. He has definately got better with age.

And I found you all a heart shaped leaf - feel the love!

Must dash - tea's on. Morrocan Chicken and Rice. (Really just fried chicken thighs - as these were very economical - with onion, garlic, tinned tomatoes, cumin, corriander and chopped dried apricots.). I'm going to sit in the garden, with a nice glass of red and encourage the sun to stay out until the end of September!


Blueberry Heart said...

hi! How pleased am I that the suns out!!! It means my gin doesn't get watered down in the rain now!!!love the photo of the leaf!!

BH x

Michela said...

I'm really glad to know that now you can get darkish and wear in red!
I'm sorry, I've just tagged you on my blog :)))

Shabby Chick said...

Mmmm your dinner sounds gorgeous! We had some sun as well today after a rubbish and rainy morning. Made the most of it by going to the park and I horrified some of the other parents by going down a tube slide ha ha!

I know what you mean about decorating styles, when I read a homes magazine I see so many lovely styles I wish I could take on (always love the all white schemes - totally not like my house at all!) but these days I always end up going back to the cosy and floral stuff :)

Mel xxx

Rebecca said...

Hi, thanks for popping by the blog, we've had torrential rain here today in MK and thunder as well. very exciting! I'm envious of you going to Paris, always wanted to go, how about going on How to look good naked with Gok Wan!!A trip to Paris has to justify a few new clothing purchases. In line with the new film about Coco Chanel, how about a little Chanel number? Tres chic

Cal said...

I feel the love! And I've been warming my hands on that sunshine.
Cal x

Michela said...

Wow! So you're going to Paris in October! J'aime beaucoup la ville lumière! I've got lot of places to suggest you if you've ever been there! IT'S FRIDAAAAAY !!!!

Gilly said...

Lovely walk, as usual, Diane! All reservoirs and lakes seem rather full - I wonder why? ;)

Selfsewn said...

you've been tagged

silverpebble said...

Oh lovely! Your header is adorable - how long did it take you to find all those little heart stones?

Rosie said...

Thanks for sending sunshine our way this morning - like you we decided to make the most of it and get out for a walk:)

Lisa said...

Sunshine? Yes I think I remember that.
Another lovely walk.
Lisa x

Rowan said...

What a lovely cheerful post, it's lovely to see sunshine-y pictures after so much rain and grey sky. And yes, I always want to go where I'm not supposed to as well:) Especially through doors in National Trust Properties marked Private. Those are the doors I really want to go through.

lesley said...

Hello Diane
Thank you for the "leaf of love"
I'm glad you're having a lovely time, I am enjoying the sun hear last!! :0)

ikkinlala said...

The ducklings are adorable!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love your banner! Very creative!