Friday 20 August 2010

Deauville and Trouville

Deauville and Trouville have been on my "list" every since a french lesson when I was 13 years old and Miss Greaves made it sound so glamorous. So whilst we were in the vicinity, we had to call in. I was a little disappointed, but they were worth a visit.

Deauville was nicer than Trouville, but they both had very grand displays of "faded glory". I bet they were splendid in their heyday!

Deauville caters very much to the rich Parisian set - all the shops were designer and very smart.

The old Boardwalks are well maintained - you can see the dancing queen in her appropriate french blue and white stripey top!

The hotels and casino's were really busy.

They had a fantastic display of photographs along the boardwalk displaying pictures of all the stars who holidayed in Deauville in the 1920's and 1930's. Now I know that they seem to have no "health & safety" rules in France, but I was so glad that Josephine Baker was not still around with her leopard!!!

I also loved the hundreds of movie stars names outside of the bathing huts. It was one of those places that I would love to step back in time and just soak up the glamour.


Jennyff said...

Glamour indeed and we all like a bit of that. You've been visiting some really interesting stylish places and taken great photos.

Lyn said...

oooh la la!
lovely place thanks for sharing it. I don't thin Holmfirth will be quite so glamourous though!

Rosie said...

Those two place names do make you think of style and glamour don't they? When you mentioned your french teacher I remembered mine who was also our form mistress - she was Mrs Presley - always known as Elvis of course, we also had a maths teacher called Mr Nuthall - he was always called Minto:) I'm really enjoying all your French holiday photos - thanks for sharing them:)

Lyn said...

Me again!
thanks for the comment on my blog, Yes Liverpool is well worth a visit, let me know if you want a personal tour, sure it can be arranged!

topchelseagirl said...

Wow your whole holiday looks absolutely fab! The 20s and 30s are my favourite era, such glamour. x

menopausalmusing said...

Loving "visiting" all your holiday haunts! .... :O)))

Rebecca said...

I've never been to France, your posts are making me want to go x

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Thanks again for a another great vacation tour! And don't you just love going to places where "stars used to frequent." I always get a kick out of imagining "how it used to be...glamour, glitz, and gowns (or in this case, bathing suits)."

Lynne said...

I've loved seeing your French holiday. It looks fabulous. Your visit to the American cemetery was very moving. Your descriptions and photos of the French towns make me want to take a trip. I love the faded glory idea.

lovethosecupcakes said...

Love the colours in the first two photographs.

Lisa said...

You got to go somewhere you've been waiting to see too!
JB had a very interesting life.
Lisa x

A garden just outside Venice said...

Deauville and Trouville seem to be a "must" for French teachers, eh?!

Rowan said...

Fabulous picture of Josephine Baker and her leopard. Like you I'd love to step back in time and see Deauville in the 20s and 30s.