Monday 23 August 2010

The "big ass" church

The young man commented that no matter how small the village or town in France, there is always a "big ass" church - and one of the biggest, and newest was the Basilica in the town of Lisieux.

Even though it looks much older, it was only built in the 1930's and was built to honour St Therese - who was born in the town. The mosaic ceiling was stunning.

It is built on the highest hill in the town with great views - as you can see - it is enormous!!!

The kids seemed to enjoy looking around church's and castles etc these days, and so we visited a fair few this time.


Rosie said...

Well, that is a church and half! It looks amazing both inside and out - it's good that your young folk like visiting all these lovely places with you:)

A garden just outside Venice said...

Hey young man! Tell your mum to bring you to Italy if you want to see more churches! :-)

Unknown said...

Isn't it beautiful! Stunning architecture.

periwinkle said...

now that is huge !!

topchelseagirl said...

That really is a big church! x

Kathy said...

Wow, that's some church! Just stunning!
Love Kathy xxx

menopausalmusing said...

Funnily enough when we used to go to Normandy and Britanny we always commented about the tiniest of villages and the size of their churches too! That one is a beauty. Just seen the picture of food on your previous post and come over all hungry.....

elsy said...

wow diane...thats some church, fabulous. i love churches even though i'm not religous and they are a must on any french holiday (much to girls dismay!)more on french hol please......

Lyn said...

That is one Big-Ass Church!
very beautiful though.

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

What an eloquent, descriptive young fellow...quite the word smith! lol

Don't you just love the kids' perspective?

Lisa said...

How very well put by the young man, it really is humungous and quite beautiful.
Lisa x

BadPenny said...

that is so funny but very true !

Julia said...

Hello Diane

Ive just spent a while enjoying your recent holiday pictures, ooh it looks wonderful!! I would love to camp in France!! I really think you ought to consider writing a camping book of your own, recipes, reviews, tips etc - my own personal favourite so far being the wine box idea, loved that!! :)

Lots of love, Julia x x x

elsy said...

A C C .....sorry i meant to contact you. She got the A in art which was fantastic, one C was fully expected and the other for english was a bit of a disappointment. (10 marks off a B!)....she may retake.....still sticking with the gap year plan did the dancing queen get on?