Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Today is the day that our street puts out all the rubbish that can be recycled - the garden waste and cardboard, the bottle and cans and the paper. I noticed that one of my neighbours hauled an enormous pile of magazines to the side of her bin for the bin men to collect before she hopped into her car and went to work. On closer inspection, I realised that these needed recycling in the truest form and yelled for a man with 2 good strong arms(hubby) who liberated them into my house!!
Honestly, look at them!! She must buy every house and gardening magazine printed every month - I stopped counting at 150!!! Hubby is none too pleased, but fortunately is not one for arguing in the street. For one, they were heavy, two, where are we going to put them?, and three, dont go getting any decorating ideas!!
Once read and recipe's/inspiration/whatever catches my eye has been noted, these will be passed to my best friend, who will pass around a selection of her friends before they end up in her doctors surgery. Hubby despairs at my Wombling tendencies, but I should be able to afford to re-decorate the bedroom with what this little lot would have cost!!!
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What a fab find! That lot should keep you going for a while.
Lisa x
Oh my goodness, what a fantastic haul. Just point out to anyone who grumbles how much you have saved as if you had brought them.......
Or you could wallpaper the spare room with the pages???
Thank goodness it wasn't raining!
How is the arm?
Great find .... I would have done the same and liberated them .... some people are wasteful .... I'd keep some and Freecycle the rest.
Ooh what a great freebie, they all look in brilliant condition as well! Reminds me I've got the latest 25 Beautiful Homes I must get round to reading :)
Mel xxx
What a great find , you lucky thing lots of cups of cofee to have with your mammoth read,l wonder what great ideas you will find.
Lucky girl!
I do the same with my friend, I buy magazines and then passed them to her.
I'm not sure that your arm will better soon reading more than 150 magazines and blogging all day ;-)
Hi Diane, Well my dear you must have the luck of the Irish to have nabbed such a fabulous free find; lots of ‘f’s I know. I could not manage to think of anymore ‘f’s at the moment as I am suffering from the dreaded ‘Icer’s Elbow’ which is quite distracting and debilitating really. It is a sad and curable disease best treated with an alcoholic beverage and a good foot rub!
This is the complete opposite in our house. My husband likes to get the Old House magazine (or something like that) and I don't think he ever reads it, which makes it a waste! I mean if it were some trashy gossip magazine, that would be totally worth it!
I can't believe one person gets that many magazines!
you are going to share the best tips from all your reading, right?
Wow! You lucky devil! x
Amazing, I'd have taken them too. I don't often buy magazines, too expensive not enough reading, so rely on the hairdresser, dentist and doctor. Yours are in much better condition than waiting room copies and can be recycled again. You were doing the world a favour.
Wow! Not sure if Mr. G would have helped me liberate them though! I always try to read interesting mags like that at the Dr's, Dentist's and other useful places.
I might come over to Yorkshire to help you get rid of a few!!
OOOh, good few days reading there. How lovely. I bet they all add up to a pretty penn. Magazines are so expensive now.
wow what a find, have you ever been to this neighbours house, i wonder if it looks like something out of a magazine!!
OMG Diane!! Excellant find!!
Hope she doesn't read your blogs LOL
Maybe she has nothing else to do?
Can't you get her into blogging?
My neighbour has a magazine pile saved for me every month, they're always the same mags Country Life!! What makes me laugh is when my daughter-in-law comes over, looks through my bookcase for a good read, & says "you only buy posh magazines here don't you?"
if only she knew!
Glad you're feeling better :0)
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