Tuesday 31 August 2010

John West - take note!

The tinned fish that I brought home with me from France, not only taste delicious,

but look very decorative on my kitchen shelves too.


...Nina Nixon... said...

Oooohhhhh - I do like a good looking tin.

Have a lovely day,

Nina xxx

Lyn said...

Very classy packaging!

menopausalmusing said...

Beautifully designed tins! I particularly like the one with the olives on the front. :O)))

Unknown said...

What lovely designs.


Rosie said...

They are rather splendid - especially the round one with olives on it:)

A garden just outside Venice said...

They remind me of some vintage-looking tuna tins I saw last Saturday while shopping..looking forward to tasting one of your fancy recipes with tinned fish...:)

Lisa said...

Very lovely packaging indeed, a welcome bonus that the contents are good too!
Lisa x

Julia said...

How come foreign tins are always so much prettier than ours? I mean, just look at yours - puts dear old John West to shame doesn't it!

Love Julia x x x

Sue said...

Lovely tins, seems a shame to open them. The book was reduced to £9.99 in Sainsbury's that's the reason I bought it. Couldn't have brought myself to spend £20!

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Diane, I did find your fragrance in the lovely bottle, and I'm ordering it this evening (was at work when I found it...bad, bad girl!).

So now I want these tins! LOL! I'm going to be in some trouble if I keep this up! It's one thing to spend when a person is out and about, but when sitting in front of the computer at home...hmmm, might be a compulsion! hehe

BadPenny said...

The French have such design style - these look great

Gilly said...

Hmmm....... That's given me an idea for when I go to Honfleur....

Petit Filoux said...

HA! I always bring back tins as well!! My favourite is sardines in lemon and basil - yum!! How come the English can't do anything more exciting than olive oil or tomato juice?!!