Yah! Another blanket finished. The colours in this blanket reminded me of the sea in and around St Ives, all blues and greens with some white for the foam on top of the waves. Of course I shall be taking this on my camping trips this year to wrap up and sit outside when the sun goes down, but I hope its going to be that hot that I dont need it ( a girl can dream!!). A good thing about blogging is that it encourages me to finish off projects that I start, as in the past I was queen of the "started, but not finished" project. Most of the wool in this blanket came from my Mums stash (she hasn't knitted anything in the last 30 years or so!!) so apart from 2 balls of dk, its virtually a freebie!!
My crochet is not up to that standard yet but I love the idea of a cosy blanket to keep warm when the sun goes down.
That is so beautiful, I am very envious! You must be so proud of it. I love St Ives too, you've captured the blue sea perfectly. I'm longing to go there now!
mel xxx
I thought of Cornishware when I saw your blanket. It's gorgeous. May you have many warm evenings wrapped up in it, after long sunny days of course!
Tilly is going to stay with us as long as G copes ok as he has been slightly allergic to her.
Lisa x
Gorgeous!! Wish I could crochet, to many thumbs and not enough fingers though!!
BH x
Love it! And it definitely reminds me of the sea down here. Well done!
Ohhhhhhhh its just beautiful and right away I felt myself transported to that little jewel of a place! You have chosen the perfect colours, I think its stunning!!!
Just off to catch up with your blog, nice to be back online after 10 internet-free days in sunny Suffolk!
Sending love and sunshine your way,
J xxx
That is just beautiful! And such glorious colours! If you wear it outside while camping you will have queues of people wanting to buy it!
Reminds of the sea on a wonderful sunny day with a stiff breeze, looking down from the top of a cliff. Ah, lovely!
its great diane! lovely colours, aren't you clever. I started one like that but gave up, it seemed endless so now the cats have a new blanket, its just big enough for them!!! noelle x
That is a wonderful blanket - great colours. I really fancy making one similar for evenings on the beach this year - I just wish I had a stash to raid!!
I love this blanket
The colours are heavenly
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